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2、一般将来时 表示:将要发生的动作或存在的状态
1. 一般将来时常和下列表示将来的时间副词连用: tomorrow , next year ( week , month … )
2. 表示即将发生的将来也可用 be going to ( 将要/ 打算) 或 be about to ( 即将/快要) 来代替 will . It is going to rain . The train is about to start . ( 不与具体时间状语连用) 3. Be to + V 表示 “ 一定… ” He is to arrive tomorrow . 4. 表示 “开始” , “ 来, 去” 等动词常常用现在进行时表将来. He is coming here tomorrow .
We have been waiting for him all afternoon .
注:本时态用来叙述“从过去某时开始,一直延续到目前的 动作”。其特点在强调“动作的延续” 。
He’s very tired ; he has been working hard all day .
Have you been waiting for a long time .
3、一般过去时 表示:过去发生的动作或存在的状态
an hour ago
…ago (…前)
a few days ago
last …
last night last week
last year
yesterday morning the day before yesterday
1. When the speaker entered the hall, all the
listenersw__e_r_e_s_e_a_t_e_d_(seat) .
2. The Anti-Japanese War __b_r_o_k_e__o_u(tbreak out)
in 1937 and it lasted eight years.
8、过去完成时-----过去某个时间为标准,在 此以前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之 前完成的行为,即“过去的过去”。 标志:before, by the end of last year(term, month…),etc.
The train _h_a_d__g_o_n_ebefore we reached the station . He said he _h_a_d__m_e_t___ me three years before . I _h__a_d_m__e_t _him twice by yesterday.
3. 表示位置移动的动词,如 come , go , start , leave , arrive 等经常用一般现在时代替将来时,特别在固定的时间表中。
4. 在表示时间或条件的状语从句中,也经常用一般现在时代替 一般将来时。此类状语从句经常由下列连词引导: 表示时间:when , while , before , after , as soon as ,till …
7. We can't use the bridge now, because it
_is__b_e_i_n_g__re__p_a_i_re_d__ (repair).
8. No permission __h__a_s_b_e_e_n__g_i_v_e_n_ (give) for
anybody to enter the building.
has + P.P
主语 + have
for + 一段时间 since + 过去时间
注意:此用法如果强调现在仍在进行,可用现在完成进行时,如 I have been studying English for five years . It has been raining since last night .
this morning , just now , the other day , in +过去时间, in those days = then , at that time
4、现在进行时 表示:现在正在进行的动作
标志:now、Look! Listen! …
1. 现在进行时经常和时间副词 now , right now , at present , at this moment 等连用。
5. Don't you know it's the first time he
_h_a_s__a_t_t_e_n_d_e_d__(attend) this kind of meeting.
6. This dictionary mustn't __b__e_t_a_k_e_n_ (take)
away from the library.
9. Many bridges __h_a_v_e__b_e_e_n__b_u_i_l_t (build) over
the river since liberation.
10. Old people must be looked after well and
s_p_o_k_e_n_ (speak) to politely.
The earth _m__o__v_e__s_____ ( move) round the sun . The leaves _a_r_e__m__o__v_i_n_g_ (move) in the wind and rain .
5、过去进行时 表示:过去某个时刻正在进行的动作
标志:at six yesterday morning、from 7 to 9 yesterday morning 、this time yesterday、也可用在when和while引导的从 句
11. Dinosaurs _d_i_s_a_p_p_e_a_r_e_d_ (disappear) about 65
million years ago.
12. They _w_e_r_e__a_s_k_e_d_ (ask) to help the farmers
with the harvest last autumn.
He has given up drinking .
( 现在已经不喝酒了)
He gave up drinking last month .
7. 现在完成进行时 动词形态:have / has been + doing
We have been studying English for three 继 years . --- 现在仍在学 续 He has been reading since this morning .
I am always forgetting people’s names .
I am constantly being asked to make speeches .
You are always sleeping in class .
区别:一般现在时表示:永久性、习惯性、固定性 现在进行时表示:临时性、偶发性、短暂性
just (刚刚), already(已经) , yet(尚)
recently=lately (最近)
so far = by now = up to now =up to the present (迄今;至今) these + 一段时间(最近)
this week / month / year(动作终点在现 在)
He will be happy when he h__e_a_r_s_ ( hear ) the good news . Tell me when he __w__il_l__a_r_r_iv_e___ (arrive ).
I don’t know if he __w_i_l_l _c_o_m__e__ (come).
13. Every possible means h__a_s_b_e_e_n__t_r_ie_d_ (try),
but none proves successful.
14. When I got to the theatre, I found the tickets
h_a_d__b_e_e_n__s_o_ld__o_u__t(sell out) and I didn't get one.
2. 表示“经验” , 经常和下列副词连用:
never (从未), ever (曾经), once (一次), before (以 前), twice(两次), three times (三词), How many times …? (有几次)
3. 表示“ 过去继续到现在的动作或状态” 经常与 for , since , all day 等连用。句型如下:
He was taking a shower at 11 last night .
They were cooking when the bell rang.(= While they were cooking, the bell rang.)
注意事项: 1. 表示“ 现在刚完成之动作” , 经常和下列副词连用:
注意:表示瞬间动作的动词不能用 for + 一段时间 He has died for three years . ( X ) He died three years ago . (√ ) He has been dead for three years . ( √ ) It is three years since he died (√ )
3 Unless he __p_r_o_m__i_s_es(promise) to help us, we
shall lose the game.
4. You don't need to describe her. I
h__a_v_e__m_e_t_(meet) her several times.
1. 主语是第三人称时,动词词尾要加 “ s ”或 “es”
2. 表示 “习惯性的动作” 经常与下列副词连用:
every– (每…)
always (总是)
usually ( 通常)
often (时常 )
sometimes (有时)
seldom (很少 )
frequently (经常地) occasionally (偶尔 )
注:过去的经验,若时间不确定,用现在完成时,但若时间 确定,则用一般过去时。 I have met him_b_e_f_o_re__. I met him t_w_o__d_a_y_s__a_g_o_.
现在完成时指动现在已经完成,但后果或影响仍然 存在。一般过去时只限于表示过去的动作本身,与 现在的结果无关。而现在完成时把过去的动作和现 在的结果联系起来,这是它们之间的主要区别。
2. go , come , leave , start , return 等动词若与未来时间( 如 : tomorrow , next week …)表示“不久的将发生的动作”, 可用“现在进行时”代替“ 一般将来时”
3 . always 和 constantly 与现在进行时连用时,不指正在进行, 而指“反复发生”,有时含有不满的情绪。如:
表示条件:if , unless , in case ( = if )
注意:表示时间或条件之连词所引…导…的…状语…从…句., 一律用一般现
在时代替一ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ将来时;但如果when
If it __r_a_in_s__ (rain ) tomorrow , I’ll stay at home .
常见八种时态 ---- 标志词
1、一般现在时 表示:现阶段经常发生的动作或存在的状态
We _g_o__ ( go) to school at six forty every day.
My brother _r_e_a_d_s ( read) a book once a week.