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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball第四课时


1、单词:has, great, collection, but, play sport, only, them, every day

2、句型:He/She has a soccer ball. He/She doesn’t have a soccer ball.

二、教学重点:掌握当主语为第三人称单数时运用has/doesn’t have

三、教学难点:正确使用has /doesn’t have


Step1 Greeting

T: Hello, Helen. Do you have a basketball?

S: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: Do you have a doll?

S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

T: I have many dolls. What do I have ? Guess.

S: Do you have…?

T: I have … , but I don’t have… .

Step2 Survey Section B4

Write three questions with: Do you have…? Find people in the class who have these things. Write their names.

Peter has a TV.

Jack has a tennis racket.

Tony has a computer game.

Step3 Drills

Give the charts to different Ss and let them talk about their classmates.

He/She has… .

He/She doesn’t have… .

Step4 Tasks

Teacher says: As you know. I like dolls. I have many dolls. I have a doll collection. I have one Mickey, two Wickey and four Teddy. What about Ed Smith?

Finish the tasks:

1)Do SB3a Read and circle the sports things.

2)Follow the tape.

3)Do SB 3b.Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks in this magazine article about Sonia Hall.

Step5 Talking SB 3c


T: What about you? Do you have a collection?

Talk about your collections.

Step6 Creative work

Make up dialogues freely by Ss with a slide.

Do you have…?

I have… .

I don’t have… .

Does he/she have…?

He/She has… .

He/She doesn’t have… .

Step7 Homework

1)Finish off self check.

2)Do exercises in exercise books.

3)Write about your collection or your classmates’.
