第七章 练习参考答案

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1. 翻译下列词语,注意比喻手法的运用

(1)黑的跟炭一样as black as coal

(2)勇猛如狮as brave as a lion

(3)沉重如铅as heavy as lead

(4)轻如鸿毛as light as a feather

(5)快如闪电as quick as a lightning

(6)美丽如画as pretty as a picture

(7)坚如磬石as steady as a rock

(8)健壮如牛as strong as a horse

(9)胆小如鼠as timid as a rabbit

(10)骨瘦如柴as thin as a lath

(11)弱不禁风(柔弱如水)as weak as water

(12)脸红的如下蛋的鸡as red as a turkey-cock

(13)烂醉如泥(如痴如狂)as high as a kite

(14)苦如胆汁as bitter as gull

(15)饥如饿狼as hungry as a wolf

(16)快直如箭as straight as an arrow

2. 翻译下列句子,注意比喻手法的运用。


Learning is the casting mould. Forsake learning, and you will ruin yourself. (2)窗外的白雪,好像白棉花一样飘着;而暖炉上水壶的盖子,则像伴奏的乐器似的振动着。

Snowflakes were flying like cotton outside and the lid of the kettle over the heating stove was rattling like a musical instrument playing an accompaniment.


When I pick up my pen, inspiration comes gushing to my mind and my memory becomes as

quick as a newly-sharpened knife.


Later, whenever I happened to walk past him, I felt like being pricked all over with thorns.


When you travel by car through the Northwest China’s boundless plateau, all you see before you is something like a huge yellow-and-green felt blanket. Yellow is the soil —the uncultivated virgin soil. It is the outer covering of the loess plateau accumulated by Mother Nature several hundred thousand years ago.



Real friendship between two persons originates perhaps from the time of life when they were children playing innocently together.


Their flags were the red sun, the tricolour, the union jack or the stars and stripes. (3)你知道中国最有名的人是谁?提起此人,人人皆晓,处处闻名。他姓差,名不多,是各省各县各村人氏。

Do you know who is the most well-known person in China? The name of this person is

a household word all over the country. His surname is Cha and his given name, Buduo,

which altogether mean “About the Same”. His is a native of every province, every county and every village in this country.


This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shi---- a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Fei---- a well-known ill-tempered brute.


But wouldn’t the declaration of my “family treasures” make myself an object of
