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Part 1 Listening

I. Listening Comprehension(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture:(6分)

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(10分)

7.A) Cloudy B) Windy C) Rainy D) Sunny

8. A) By bus B) On foot C) By car D) By bike

9.A) Jerry B) Peggy C) John D) Alice

10.A) 5:00 B) 5:10. C)7:00 D) 7:15

11.A) At a hospital B) At a barbecue

C) At a food store D) At home

12. A) Going for a walk B) Going to the library

C) Reading some books D) Playing in the park

13.A) 1,000 yuan B) 2,000yuan C) 3,000 yuan D) 4,000yuan

14. A) Her sister’s B) Her brother's.

C) Her parents’ D) The woman's.

15. A) Husband and wife. B) Taxi driver and passenger.

C) Customer and waitress. D) Teacher and student.

16. A) The woman can get the CD this weekend.

B) The woman enjoys the songs on the CD.

C) The woman bought a CD two days ago.

D) The woman can have the CD for a month.

C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(7分)

17.Melissa keeps a pet and his name is Eric.

18. Eric has been with Melissa for more than six years.

19. Eric is a strange dog because he is able to talk like a human.

20. Every week Melissa buys lots of mice for Eric.

21. Melissa bought Eric a house because he did not always like to be with others.

22.Eric is too small to drink milk or eat fish.

23. Eric was angry because Melissa loved him the Wrong way.

D.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks(7分)

24. Bob Bradley flew in a hot air balloon aloneforthe first time on_______ 4th. 2011.

25..The flight made Bob the _______ air balloon pilot in the world.

26..Bob took off in the morning from an____ field in his hometown

27.Bob's family and friends gathered to ________him and see the historic event.

28.Bob landed the balloon on a dirty________successfully according to plan,

29.Bob is an experienced hot air balloon pilot because he started at the age of _______

30. Hot air ballooning runs in Bob's family, so his achievement is not _________

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20分)

()31. Please take________short shower and don't waste water.

A) a B)an C) the D)7

()32. The performance of Class A studentis muchbetter than_________ of Class B students.

A)one B) that C) those D) this

()33. We should never be satisfied with_____ book knowledge. We also need practical experience.

A) few B) little C) a few D) a little

()34. The NBA is in a lockout (停摆)because players and owners failed to reach a new deal July 1st

A)In B) on C) at D) since

()35. Many people post photos of _______ on Facebook. They get to know each other on Facebook.

A) them B) theirs C) themselves D) ourselves

()36. Professor Lee gave us much ________ on how to live a low carbon life in big cities.

A) tip B) suggestion C) advice D) idea

()37.The earthquake in that country left_____people homeless.

A) thousand B) thousands C) thousand of D) thousands of

()38 Jenny likes the new neighborhood because people here are__

A) friendly B) softly C) politely D) nicely

()39 Do you know of all the words we used in 2011 "hold" became _______ in China

A) hot B) hotter C) hottest D) the hottest

()40.Christy has had three jobs since college, and she still____ decide what she wants to do.

A) needn't B) can't C) mustn't D) shouldn't

()41.―____ long queue it was outside the department store! Do you know why?

--The shop was offering a big sale around midnight.

A) What a B) What an C) How D) How a

()42.Where's Jack? Our teacher__ him now.

A) looks for B) looked for C) will look for D) is looking for

()43. Kathy was delighted to find that her daughter____ the room by herself.

A) had cleaned B) has cleaned C) will clean D) cleaned

()44.If all businesses go paperless, at least one million tons of paper____

A) will save B) is saved C) will be saved D) saves

()45 I decided not to buy frozen dumplings______ the government said they were safe.

A) because B) though C) since D) or

()46 Inthat school, teachers made students____ green scarf if they made trouble.

A) wear B) to wear C) wearing D) wore

()47 It's very good of you to keep______ the old in the neighborhood nursing home.

A) to serve B) serve C) serving D) served

()48 I wonder______ .

A) when the university campus in China opens to the public

B) when will the university campus in China open to the public

C) when would open the university campus in China to the public

D) when the university campus in China will open to the public

()49 ―The musi cal Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院)is being staged in the theater. Shall we book two tickets for the show?


A) Never mind B) My pleasure

C) That's agoodidea D) It doesn't matter

()50 -John was seriously injured in the school bus accident.

