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商务英语翻译 之 文体与语篇
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词义的选择(Choice of Meaning)
a. The expansion or generalization of meaning
b. The narrowing or specialization of meaning
对在合同中一切有争议的问题是否付诸仲裁将由任何一方做出选择, 并须按照美国仲裁协会的国际仲裁规则进行仲裁。
2. Our products are manufactured from the choice grades of material and will satisfy you in every respect.
1. Arbitration of all questions in dispute under this contract shall be at the choice of either party and shall be in accordance with the International Arbitration Rules of American Arbitration Association.
shall be liable to pay the seller overdue interest on such unpaid amount from the due date until the actual date of payment at the rate of five percent per annum, such overdue interest shall be paid upon demand of the seller. 3. The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHON-HOI” brand Agricultural Washing Machines.
由于词性不同,以上两句中的commission的词义有很大差别。在前一 句中名词,意思是“佣金”;在后一句中却是动词,意为“委托”或“代 理”。稍作引申: 1. Regressive 累退的; 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall carry out all maintenance work during commissioning period.(在试运行期间,承包 方应负责进行一切维修工作。)
所报价格包括累进佣金,按FOB价为基础计算,每定单在10打及以上 时佣金为2%,30打及以上为3%。
2. Party B is commissioned by the manufactures to buy steel plates and this contract shall supersede all previous commitments.
1. The price quoted include a progressive commission to be calculated on FOB basis of 2% for a single order for 10 dozen or up, 3% for 30 dozen or up.
4. The value of the pound has fallen to a new low against
the dollar. 英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的(最)低点。
商务英语翻译不同于文艺作品的翻译, 一般不讲求文采、韵味、修辞等,而要求把 “准确严谨”的原则置于首位;在翻译专业 术语和关键词语时,一定要在透彻地理解原 文的精神实质的基础上,准确地用符合汉语 表达习惯的说法表达出来。
当然,必要时,还可以转换词汇的词性:例如将副词转换成形容词 或介词,名词转换成动词等等。同时,词性的转换也存在着一定的规 律。一般而言,英语中多用名词和介词,而中文里多用动词和副词。 以后将对此进行详细讲解。
1. The premium rates vary with differed interests insured. 2. If the buyer fails to pay any account when due, the buyer
净收入 纯利润 最终结论
1. a low figure 2. workers on low incomes
小数目 收入低的工人
3. The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high. 生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖。
转化为: 方向
药. 片 液体
缩小为: contraceptive (pills) 缩小为:白酒
Baidu Nhomakorabea 词义的选择
(一)根据汉语的表达习惯确定词义 (二)根据词性确定词义
(三)根据专业来确定词义 (四)根据词的搭配关系和上下文
net income net profit net conclusion
由于以上两句中的choice的词性不同,在词义的确定上也有所不同。 第一句中的Choice是名词,意思为“选择”(Act of choosing between two or more possibilities);第二句中的Choice是形容词,意思为“优质 的”(of very good quality)。
c. The shift of meaning
词义的选择(Choice of Meaning)
countdown fallout
economy orientation
pill liquor
倒计时 放射性尘埃
扩展为: 十分危急的情况 扩展为:(不良的)后果
家庭料理 转化为: 经济