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Lesson 91 Poor Ian!可怜的伊恩

1. Has he moved to his new house yet?

No , not yet. 不,还没有。

这是简略回答,完整的回答是:No,He hasn’t moved to his new house yet.

2.still [ ] adv. 仍然

He’s still here.

They are still working on it.

3.I’ll miss him.

I’ll = I will I shall we’ll = we will we shall

miss vt. 思念I miss home very much.

miss vt. 错过I missed the train yesterday.

4.He has always been a good neighbour.(因为伊恩在这住了好长时间,所以邻居们说他一直如何如何,用了现在完成时)


5. person n. 人(单数的概念)

A brave person. 勇敢的人。

He’s a very nice person. 他是一个非常好的人。

She’s the right person for this job.

people n. 人们(复数的概念)


When will the new people move into this house? 新住户什么时候搬进这所房子?There’re a lot of people in the park.

6.all 用在三者或三者以上两者用both

We’ll all miss him.

My husband and I will both miss him.

7.move into this house = move in

When will the new people move into this house.

I think that they’ll move in the day after tomorrow.

8.I think that they’ll move in the day after tomorrow.

the day before yesterday 前天

yesterday 昨天

today 今天

tomorrow 明天

the day after tomorrow 后天

9.I will = I’ll

I’ll miss him.

We’ll all miss him.

They’ll move in the day before yesterday.

10.Please give him my regards.请代我问候他。

Please give our regards to your grandmother.

11.He didn’t want to leave this house. 他本不想离开这幢房子。

No, he didn’t want to leave.but his wife did! 是的,他不想离开。可是他妻子要离开。

No, he didn’t want to leave……是对上一句的证实。由于上一句话中用了否定句,因此,在证实时句中的动词不可模仿前一句话的形式,而要根据事实来决定。但在译成汉语时,No就要译成肯定的意思,如:“是的,他不想离开。”

He didn’t go to school last week,did he?

No, he didn’t. 是的,他没有去。

Yes, he did. 不,他去上学了。


What will…?

When will…?

Lesson 92 When will…? 什么时候要…? 记住下列时间的表示方法:

1.rain tomorrow it

——When will it rain?

——It will rain tomorrow.

2.snow the day after tomorrow it

——When will it snow?

——It’ll snow the day after tomorrow.

3. get up at eleven he

——When willl he get up?

——He’ll get up at eleven.

4.finish work tomorrow night he

——When will he finish work?

——He’ll finish work tomorrow night.

5.have a holiday the day after tomorrow you

——When will you have a holiday?

——We’ll have a holiday the day after tomorrow.

6.drive home this afternoon they

——When will they drive home?

——They’ll drive home this afternoon.

7.have a haircut the day after tomorrow in the morning you

——When will you have a haircut?

——I’ll have a haircut the day after tomorrow in the morning.

8.telephone me tonight she

——When will she telephone me?
