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上海牛津英语4A 单元知识整理M1M2

M1U1 Meeting new people

1.词汇: classmate 同学 schoolmate 校友 deskmate 同桌 friend朋友

meet 遇见 people人们 eleven 十一 twelve十二

thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen

十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty二十 student number 学号

sit 坐 skip跳绳 live居住

near在……附近 year年 well好 mask 面具

2.词组: my classmate 我的同学 go to the park 去公园 ride a bicycle骑自行车

skip a rope 跳绳 live near the school住在学校附近 walk to school走路去学校play basketball 打篮球 like reading喜欢阅读 years old 岁

—Nice to meet you!很高兴遇到你!

—Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴遇到你!

See you!再见!

3.语法:形容词性物主代词 his,her,your,my,its,their,our


my new classmate her dress our classroom his mother

His/Her name is……

This is my sister.Her name’s Sally.(向别人介绍某个人)

Can 句型 can后的动词必须是原形

He can swim very fast. He can’t sing.

Can he climb a tree?

主语是第一人称I、we,第二人称you和第三人称复数they、his parents等的时候,句中动词用原形;


She lives near our school. She walks to school every day.

My friend has a nice dress。


My brother doesn’t like his toy car.

Does Kitty walk to school every day?

like后面加名词复数 We like balls.

动词ing形式 We like playing basketball.

to do We like to play basketball.

do-doing的规则:直接加ing singing,playing,painting,jumping

去末尾的e,加ing writing,dancing,coming

双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing swimming,skipping running




This is _____(I) new classmate._____(she) name’s Sally.

That’s _____(we) English teacher.

_____(he) brother is my classmate.

_____(I) deskmate is Jill,_____(she) hair is long.


Jack is my friend.______ sister is Kitty.

What’s Jack’s sister’s name?_____ name’s Kitty.

Mr Li is our teacher.______ has got a red car.

Who’s your father?The tall man is _____ father.

Has your brother got a big ball?No,_____ hasn’t.

My father is a doctor._____is tall._____ car is black.

-Is that ____ ruler?-Yes,it’s _____ ruler.

Eddie and I are cclassmate.That’s _____ classroom,

-Are ____ in Class2 ?Yes,___ am.

Look at these trees.____ are tall and green.______ roots(根) are long.


1.I like this book.( 一般疑问句)

______ _____ like this book?

2.Jill lives near the school.(否定句)

Jill ______ _______ near the school.

3.Ginger likes to eat fish.(一般疑问句)

_____Ginger _____ to eat fish?

4.They walk to school every day.( 一般疑问句)

______ they _____ to school every day?

5.Ben and Alice can swim very fast.(对划线提问)

______ ______ Ben and Alice ______?

M1U2 Abilities

1.词汇:climb 爬 draw 画画 paint 用颜料画画 swim 游泳 read读 write 写

Jump 跳 hop单脚跳 picture画,图 dream梦 interview 采访

guest嘉宾 everyone大家,每个人fast 快 high高 very 很,非常

welcome欢迎 both(两个)都 dolphin海豚 wasp黄蜂 crisp薯片

2.词组:paint a picture画一幅画 climb a tree爬树 count to three数到三 very much非常 read a book看书 swim in the river在河里游泳

fly very high飞得很高 swim very fast游得很快 very well很好

both super都很棒 our guest我们的嘉宾 welcome to 欢迎来到……3.语法:1.can句型

肯定句:I/He/She/They can run fast.

否定句:I/He/She/They can’t run fast.

一般疑问句:Can you/he/she/they run fast?

特殊疑问句:What can you/he/she/they do?

2.have got,has got 表示某人又某物


题目:My friend/classmate/father




1.同音词:see _____ for_____ here_____
