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熊 bear云cloud比than鲸whale

草 grass岛island湖lake笑smile

叫做 call 地址 address 总是 always 伯母 aunt

背疼 backache 坏的 bad 阳台 balcony 银行 bank

蝙蝠 bat 胡须 beard 因为 because 毯子 blanket

搬运 carry 城市 city 外套 coat 冷的 cold

感冒 cold 漫画 comic 咳嗽 cough 农村 village

卷的 curly 女儿 daughter 牙医 dentist 海豚 dolphin

楼下 downstairs 八十 eighty 农场 farm 五十 fifty

树林 forest 四十 fourty 头疼 headache (天气)好的fine

起床 get up 热的 hot 袋鼠 kangaroo 玩得愉快 have fun

饿的 hungry 电梯 lift 狮子 lion (外)孙女 / 子grandchild

市场 market 地图 map 楼梯 stairs 伤害,疼痛 hurt

叶子 leaf 熊猫 panda 九十 ninety (外)孙女granddaughter

护士 nurse 需要 need 植物 plant (外)祖父 / 母grandparent

野餐 picnic 鹦鹉 parrot 经常 often (外)孙 grandson

宠物 pet 河流 river 礼物 present 父 / 母 parent

下雨 rain 彩虹 rainbow 道路 road 移动,搬家 move 胃疼 stomach-ahce 七十 seventy 鲨鱼 shark 必须,一定 must 肩膀 shoulder 淋浴 shower 购物 shopping 从不,绝不never

六十 sixty 直的 straight 儿子 son 事情,毛病matter

三十 thirty 明天 tomorrow 牙齿 tooth 穿上,戴上 put on

牙疼 toothache 毛巾 towel 城镇 town 十分,真正地 really

种子 seed 村庄 village 姑父 uncle 脱去(衣物) take



v1.0 可编辑可修改关于 about 天气 weather 醒来 wake up 更坏的 worse

渴的 thirsty 有时 sometimes 瘦的 thin 仅仅,只 only

二十 twenty 楼上 upstairs 昨天 yesterday 其它(的),另外 ( 的)other

湿的 wet 弱的 weak 强壮的 strong 发烧,温度temperature

累的,疲劳 tired 星期四 Thursday 生气的 angry 晴朗的 sunny

星期二 Tuesday 汽车站 bus station 聪明的 clever 明亮的bright

地下室 basement 电影院 cinema 正确的 right 困难的 difficult

金色的 fair 去上学 go to school 星期五 Friday 响亮的 loud

图书馆 library 不同的 different 多云的 cloudy 耳朵疼 earache

星期三 Wednesday 星期一 Monday 八字胡 moustache 星期天 Sunday

淘气的 naughty 在附近 near 在外面 out of 游泳池 swimming


安静的 quiet 多风的 windy 星期六 Saturday 星期 week

在⋯⋯之上 on 在⋯⋯之后 behind/after 在⋯⋯之前 before

在⋯⋯下面 under 在⋯⋯的对面opposite 天气预报weather


穿好衣服 get dressed 运动中心 sports centre 上床休息的时间bedtime

脱下衣服 get undressed 去购物 go shopping 上床睡觉 go to bed

家庭作业 homework 超级市场 supermarket 多久一次,多常 how often


1. My favourite comic is called‘ Lock and Key’.

2. I ’ve got a brother and a sister.

3. That ’s number 1 and it ’s red.

4. Meera ’s sitting next to Stella and Simon ’ s talking to Lenny.

5. She ’ s got a small car and she ’ s driving it.

6. Grandma Star ’s painting a picture of her granddaughter.

7. Stella ’s playing a game with her dog.

8.Simon’s with his Uncle Fred.

9.Suzy wants to give her dog a bath.



10.Grandpa’s standing next to the bath and he needs a towel.

11.We’re moving from our house in the country to a flat in the town.

12.I t ’s full of boxes and old toys.

13.Her new address is sixty-four Park Road.

14.It ’s difficult to carry.

15.The men are climbing the stairs with the sofa.

16.Before breakfast she has a shower and gets dressed.

17.After school Stella does her homework.

18.Before bedtime Stella gets undressed.

19.How often does Stella watch TV

20. What day is it today/ What ’s the day today

21.You can go to the sports centre to do some sports.

22.We go to the supermarket to get our food.

23.We must listen to the teacher.

24.Must I be quiet in the library

25.What have you got

26. What’s the matter with him

27. My leg hurts.I can ’t ride my bike.

28.So you must drink lots of water and orange juice.

29.She must take it after every meal for a week.

30.You mustn’t get up.

31.After lunch Jane wants to look at the plants and draw their leaves.

32. It isn’t the bread for the ducks, it’s the nice new bread.

33.Paul ’s standing next to the river.

34.These green parts are fields.

35.I'd like to go fishing.

36.Dolphins, whales and sharks live in the sea.

