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Name ______________ Score_________/40

Part one:

Passage one: Words: 201 Readability: 4.0

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.

Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. For example, children need ten ho urs’ sleep every night. If we do not go to bed early, we cannot have enough sleep. Then we cannot think or do our work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life.

Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms of exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.

Exercise helps blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The brains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!

A. Write T for true F for false beside the following statements. (2.5’)

____ 1.The passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.

____ 2.Early to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.

____ 3.To keep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.

____ 4.Daylight is the time for exercise.

____ 5.Blood moves to all parts of our bodies.

B. Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words.(2’)

1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage.


2. You must have some habits which are good for your health. What are they?

_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

3. Give a proper title to the passage. (0.5’)


Passage Two: Words: 231 Readability: 3.8


A man moved his boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the other rested in a tree. Both watched the man.

They knew the man was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. The two birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t have any confidence in himself. His hou se was small because he was not sure he could build a larger one. He didn’t cook his food because he was afraid he would burn it. The man did not run fast because he was afraid of falling. One bird said, “How will he succeed?” “He needs to find the talents that he had inside himself,” the other answered. “We must choose the correct time and chance carefully,” said the first one. One day, his daughter fell into the water. The man jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changed him into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could change himself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that no other person could do.

The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have special ability. It’s j ust waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only we have the courage to try.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (5’)

1. What was the man afraid of when he wanted to swim? (1’)


2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself. (1’)
