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1.Amy is quite______.we should study as_______as her(careful).

2.The patient feels much_____today.(well).

3.This book is______to the children.(help)

4.Do you have any problems_____out this mathsm problem?(work)

5.My sister is______than me.(slim)

6.I feel______sorry about being late(true).

7.This is the_____story of all.(fun)

8.(2011.扬州)This is the_____(light)and thinnest of all the e-books in the world.

9.Which sport is______(interesting),football or basketball?

10.I don’t know how_______(talk)to my new teacher.

11.The children were_______(happy)because they didn’t get any Chistmas presents.


1.Shanghai is______city in China.

A .bigger than any B. bigger than any other C. biggest than any D.biggest than any other

2.. 10,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but it’s still______than they need.

A.a little more

B. very little

C.more less

D.far less

3.Both Li lei and mike are thirteen years old. Lilei is______Mike.

A.older than

B.younger than

C.as old as

D.not as old as

4.It’s_____that this is a_____monkey.

A. real, real

B.true, true

C.real, true


5. I vote ____Mary because my best friend shouldn’t tell_____my secrets.

A. for,other

B.for, others

C.to, another


6. I_____you an e-mail when I_____there

A. will send, will get

B. will send, get

C. send, will get

D.send, get

7. When I looked at this photo, I couldn’t help_____my grandpa.

A. thinking of

B.thinking about

C.to think of

D.to think over

8.I hope you______give me_______.

A.to, some advice

B.can, some advice

C.to, some advices

D.can, some advices

9.They. will arrive here______.

A. in two hour time

B. in two hours time

C. in two hour’s time

D. in two hour s’time

10..In our city, it’s______in July, but it is even______in August.

A. hotter,hottest

B.hot, hot

C.hotter, hot

D.hot, hotter

11.(2011.河北)Sometimes walking is even_____than driving during the busy traffic time.

A. fast


C. slow


12. Your book is older than______.



C. their


13.Tina’s jeans are the same_____Anna’s but different______Linda’s.

A.as, as

B.as, like

C.as, from

D.like, as

14. Amy is shorter than______in her class.

A. any other girls

B.any other girl

C. the other girl

D.some other girls

15. They are______than you think.

A.more friend

B.many friends

C.more friendly

D.much friend
