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Short and Long Term Advantage roof drainage design performance Decade has witnessed great changes in the design of the roof drainage system recently, particularly, siphon rainwater drainage system has been gradually improved, and there is likely to be the key application. At the same time these changes, urban drainage system design has undergone tremendous changes, because the scope of a wider urban drainage system design for sustainable development, as well as people for climate change flooding more attention. The main contents of this article is how to design roof drainage systems and make a good performance. Special attention is how to get rid of bad habits already formed the design, but also need to consider innovative roof drainage system, such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems.

Practical application: In the past few years, the design of the roof rainwater drainage system has undergone tremendous changes. On large buildings, siphon rainwater drainage technology has been very common, as well as green roofs because it is conducive to green development, being more and more applications. Taking into account the ongoing research, this article focuses on how to effectively design a variety of roof rainwater drainage system, and make it achieve the desired design effect.

1. Introduction

In the past decade, the city and the water drainage system design has been widely accepted thinking about sustainable urban drainage system, or the optimal management direction. The main principles of the design of these systems is both a local level in line with the quality of development, but also to create some economic benefits for the investors. This principle has led to the development of new changes in the sump. Although the application of such a device is gradually reduced, but the urban environment relatively high demand areas still require 100% waterproof and rapid drainage, such as the roof. Typically roof drainage system in the design, construction and maintenance has not been given due attention. Although the drainage system investment costs account for only a small portion of the total construction investment, but not able to judge the loss caused by poor design.

There are two different forms of roof drainage system design methods, namely the traditional and siphon method. Traditional systems rely on atmospheric pressure work, the drive ram affected sink flow depth. Therefore, the conventional roof drainage systems require a relatively large diameter vertical drop tube, prior to discharge, all devices must be connected to the groundwater collection pipe network. In contrast, siphonic roof drainage pipe systems are generally designed to full flow (turbulent flow means that require less exhaust pipe), which will form a negative pressure, the larger the higher flow rate and pressure head. Typically siphon system requires less down pipe work under negative pressure to the water distribution network can mean higher altitude work, thereby reducing the amount of underground pipe network.

Both systems consists of three parts: the roof, rainwater collection pipes, pipe network.

All of these elements are able to change the water pressure distribution system. This section focuses on the role and performance of each part. Due to the principle of siphon system has not been well understood, resulting argument is relatively small, this article will highlight siphon system.

2. Roof

The roof is usually designed by the architect, designer and not by the drainage design. There are three main roof.

2.1 Flat roof
