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黄腐酸结构、构象和聚集过程的分子模拟研究Alvarez-Puebla R A1, Valenzuela-Calahorro C2, Garrido J J1 著 王震亚3 周霞萍3 译(1 西班牙纳瓦拉公众大学应用化学系(阿罗索校区) 庞隆那省 31006

2 西班牙戈兰那达大学药学院无机化学系 戈兰那达省 18071

3 华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院 上海 200237)

摘 要:自然界中广泛存在着的腐植物质(H S)有多种化学反应能力,诸如矿物质的风化、养分的生物有效利用和污染物的迁移等相关的生物地球化学反应能力。腐植物质的反应性取决于其官能团的化学特性与微观结构,同时又受到周围环境及介质组分的影响。为了更好地了解腐植物质在水、土壤中的结构、构象以及聚集过程,文中描述了以伯明翰东北部庙宇(TNB)的样本,按离子或非离子的黄腐酸分子结构建模研究的过程。该理论研究结果和黄腐酸的溶解度(偶极矩)、电子和振动光谱等一些实验研究的结果能很好的吻合。其中水分子的存在对静电有很大的稳定作用,并且随着离子化程度的增加,这种作用变得更强。在真空中,由于氢键和非键力相互作用增加,未离子化的聚集体比单体更稳定。因此,随着黄腐酸分子的离子化,聚集作用将不再发生。在溶液中,黄腐酸的浓度是聚集的关键因素。若当量浓度太低,含有两个黄腐酸的系统就不可能发生聚集,但是随着当量浓度的提高,系统中聚集体的数量也将上升,情况就发生改变。离子态是聚集的另一个关键因素。离子态的黄腐酸分子有着更高的负电荷,而这会增强能量势垒,阻碍由布朗运动引起的黄腐酸分子的相互接近。

关键词:黄腐酸 结构 构象 聚集 分子模型 分子动力学 电子谱 振动光谱

中图分类号:TQ314.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-9212(2007)04-0039-09

Theoretical Study on Fulvic Acid Structure, Conformation and Aggregation

a Molecular Modelling Approach

Alvarez-Puebla R A1, Valenzuela-Calahorro C2, Garrido J J1 write Wang Zhenya3, Zhou Xiaping3 translate

(1 Public University of Navarra, Campus Arrosad, E-31006 Pamplona, Spain

2 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain

3 School of Reources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of

Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200237)

Abstract: The ubiquitous presence of humic substances (HS), combined with their ability to provide multiple sites for chemical reaction, makes them relevant to numerous biogeochemical processes such as mineral weathering, nutrient bioavailability, and contaminant transport. The reactivity of HS depends on their functional group chemistry and micro-structure, which are in turn infl uenced by the composition of the surrounding media. In order to help towards an under-standing of structure conformations and aggregation process of HS in soils and waters and to get a better knowledge of these kinds of materials, a fulvic acid (FA) has been modelled as a function of its ionic state under different conditions.

Our proposed theoretical model based on the Temple-Northeastern-Birmingham (TNB) monomer fi ts well with experi-mental observations on the solubility (dipolar moment) and electronic and vibrational spectra of FAs. The presence of water molecules has a great stabilization effect on the electrostatic energy; this effect is greater as ionized rate increases.

In vacuum, the nonionized aggregated species are more stable than monomers because of the increase in their interac-tion due to H-bonding and non-bonding forces. When the molecules are ionized, no aggregation process takes place. In solution, the FA concentration is a critical factor for the aggregation. The system containing two FA molecules probably did not form aggregates because its equivalent concentration was too low. When the concentration was increased, the
