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本控制面板(下位机)分为上下两部分。上面一块称为MDI面板,下面称为机床操作面板。MDI面板上都是按键,其功能为:数控软件的软按键(虚拟button,由两个左右方向键和F1,F2,F3,F4,F5等按键组成);文字代码编辑、插入、删除、查看翻页以及几个功能键(诊断,图形,系统设定等)。下面机床操作面板除了按键外,还有几个波段开关,起停开关以及一些LED灯。按键的功能是实现机床的操作命令,如打开照明灯,主轴的正转、反转,刀具回零点等。波段开关的功能分别为设置主轴倍率、进给倍率、快速倍率、方式选择。快停开关为数控机床启动、停止、急停,LED 灯显示数控机床状态。本系统设计包括:











CNC machine tool control system of this research project is mainly divided into upper and lower machine. The host computer to the PC104 a main role is to run the CNC software, control commands via the control panel input and output ports to control the operation of each motor, and the machining information to be displayed on the LCD screen. Lower machine is subject to design control panel, which is a single-chip system, the control panel to input information to the host computer, and receive information from the host computer with LED display machine running status.

The overall function of the system enough to complete the communication between the microcontroller and the host computer through the communication protocol of the agreement shows the user which key was pressed. Boot the host machine (PC104) to send information to the microcontroller, MCU receives the information on the control panel with LED display machine status, user actions on the control panel button or turn the fluctuations switch, the microcontroller up the machine to send information to tell the host computer users on the machine tool operations and processing configuration. The host computer modem to send the information to control the operation of the machine, but also the necessary information to send to the microcontroller.

The control panel (machine) divided into two parts. Above one known as the MDI panel, hereafter referred to as a machine operator panel. Are keys on the MDI panel and its functions are: CNC software soft buttons (the button virtual, composed by the two left and right arrow keys and F1, F2, and F3, the F4, F5, and other key); text code editor, insert, delete, view page as well as several function keys (diagnostic, graphics, system settings, etc.). The following machine operator panel button outside, there are several band switch with the switch and some LED lights. The button's function is a machine tool operation command, such as turn on the lights, the spindle forward and reverse, the tool back to 0:00 and so on. Band switch function to set the spindle override and feed override, rapid override options. Quick stop switch to start, stop, emergency stop and LED lights display the CNC machine tools for CNC machine tools. The system design includes: 1, MCU and host computer communication protocol design.

2, a multi-button design.

3, anti-jamming measures microcontroller and MAX1232 use design.

4, the MAX1232 chip and the host computer serial communication design.
