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社会热点 生活学习 社会热点
说明文 说明文 说明文
提纲式命题 问题解决
提纲式命题 问题解决 提纲式命题 问题解决 提纲式命题 问题解决
描述问题段 主题句—扩展句一(具体表现一)—扩展句二(具体表现二)
说明原因段 主题句—扩展句一(原因一)—扩展句二(原因二)—结尾句
(2)写法二:Reports are often heard upon…The most striking instances/ones might be (that+句子)…
*例: Topic: Food Reports
are often heard upon food products of bad quality. The most striking instances might be the San Lu milk powder, swillcooked dirty oil and the so-called “lean meat powder”.
+ (二)写法二:
a result,…/Consequently
At the same time
Meanwhile,…/ *例: Topic: Say As
No to Pirated Products
a result, intellectual property rights are severely infringed upon. Honest producers will lose the motivation to develop new products. products are often of low quality, thus damaging the interest of buyers.
the first place, students‟ weakness in Chinese would give rise to their ignorance of Chinese culture. worse, their problems with Chinese would also hamper their study of other subjects.
no one in China can have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Cheese nowadays.
+ 2、举例说明:两种写法
(1)写法一:Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list/ too many to enumerate.
提纲式命题 问题解决 提纲式命题 问题解决
2001.1 2000.1 1998.1
Reduce Waste on Campus
How to succeed in a Job Interview? How I Finance My College Education My view on Fake Commodities
说明方法段 主题句—扩展句一(方法一)—扩展句二(方法二)—扩展句三(方法三)—结尾句
(1)某事成为一个显著的问题: Sth
is/are becoming increasingly grave in our current society.
has/have become a grave/marked problem with which Sb. is/are confronted.
+ 例: Topic: Due Attention Should Be Given to the
Study of Chinese.
number of factors can account for such phenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones. one thing, the craze for learning English, to some degree, affect students‟ passion for the study of their native language. another, the increasing emphasis on some so-called “practical subjects” closely related to job hunting also cut into students‟ time and energy spent on the study of Chinese.
2.解释具体原因: (1)
To begin with, ... Furthermore, ... Last but not least, ... For one thing…For another…/On the one hand, … On the other hand, …
/ In addition,方法二/因素二.
/ Besides / Moreover,方法三/因素三.
through these ways / Only in this way 该问题得到解决.

1.政府: 1)制定法律法规
is high time that relevant laws and regulations were/shouled be worked out/established and rigidly enforced/implemented by authorities to limit (限 制)/ban(禁止)…
is/are becoming increasingly grave in our current society. ⑵表现一. ⑶ 表现二.
Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese.
*例: Topic: Due
is no denying the fact that...
one can have failed to notice the fact that...
+ 示范模板
is no denying the fact that问题总述. ⑵表现一. ⑶表现二.

(1)First and foremost,…Moreover,…In addition,… (2) For one thing…For another… (3)In the first place…In the second place…
+ 模板范例
a way can be adopted to 解决该问 题./Many a factor plays an important role in 解决该问题. / First of all, 方法一/因素一.
+ 后果描述
problem mentioned above is bound to/is sure to generate severe/unfavorable consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to /continue to losing sight of it.
Meanwhile, pirated
第三段:说明方法段 1.中心句:
(1) To cope with the problem, effective and immediate measures are supposed to be taken into serious account/consideration. /effective measures should be taken. (2) In view of /Considering/In terms of/Given the seriousness of the issue, effective measures/steps must be taken before things get worse.
问题ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ决型
CET writing
考试时间 2006.12 (新) 2005.6 主题或题目 The Importance of Reading Classics Say No To Pirated Products 题材 读书学习 社会热点 体裁 说明文 说明文 命题形式 写作类型
*例: Topic: Due No
Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese. one can have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Chinese nowadays. a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: some play truant from Chinese classes, some read few Chinese classics and some rarely write articles in Chinese.
There are many reasons accounting for 该问 题./Special attention should be paid to the fact that 该问题 is bringing great damage. On one hand / For one thing, 原因一/危害一. On the other hand / For another,原因二/危害 二. Therefore, it is high time that 解决该问题.
+ 第二段:说明原因段

1. 中心句(主题句):有很多原因导致/来解释这个现象/问题,但主要有以下几个 原因

A number of factors can account for this/such social phenomenon/issue, but the following might be/ are the most critical ones. are several reasons for this social phenomenon/issue, but in general, they come down to three majors ones. A variety of factors contribute to this social phenomenon/issue, but…might be the leading reasons.
the first place… what is worse…
*例: Topic: Due Attention Should Be Given to the
Study of Chinese.
problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe/unfavorable consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it.