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例如The bus comes here. Here comes the bus


❖We can work out the problem only in this way.

❖Only in this way can we work out the problem.

❖The bus comes here.

❖Here comes the bus.




❖Has he left already?

❖Won’t you have some tea?

❖What do you like best?

❖Did he park his car in front of my house?


❖Who did it?

❖How many students passed the exam?

❖2, if 引导的虚拟语气条件句的谓语若包括有助动词had, were,或should,可将其倒装到主语之前,省略if。

❖Had/ should / were +主语+谓语和其余部分:

❖If I had not helped him, he would have failed in business.

❖Had I not helped him, he would have failed in business.

❖If I should be free tomorrow, I will come.

❖Should I be free tomorrow, I will come.


❖If I were the manager, I would give you a promotion.

❖Were I the manager, I would give you a promotion.


❖If you had met the troubles I had, you would be desperate.

❖Had you met the troubles I had, you would be desperate.


❖If you were the mouse, the cat would eat you.

❖Were you the mouse, the cat would eat you.



❖Women have begun to catch up with men in this area only in recent years.

❖Only in recent years have women begun to catch up with men in this area.

❖I received an answer from him only a week later.

❖Only a week later did I receive an answer from him.


❖Only when the children grow up do they understand the parents’intention.


❖Only then did I figure out his intention.


❖not only ….but also

❖Not only does he teach at school, but also he writes for the newspaper.

❖4,否定词/半否定词或词组+ 助动词+主语+谓语和其余部分

❖Not, never, nor, neither, nowhere, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely even less 等否定词和半否定词置于句首时。

❖I never dreamt of seeing him in America.

❖Never did I dream of seeing him in America

❖5,含有否定词的介词短语置于句首+ 助动词+主语+谓语和其余部分

❖by no means绝不, in no time立刻,很快, at no time绝不, in no case绝不, on no account绝不, no longer不再, in no way一点也不, on no condition无论如何也不, in/under no circumstances绝不.

❖By no means should we look down upon the people who are poor.

❖In no case do I want to argue with you.

❖In no time will she be here.

❖6,so+形容词或副词置于句首; such +is /was

❖So rough was the sea that the ship could not get into the harbor.

❖So terrible was her concert that half the audience left.

❖Such is my joy that I could not sleep.

❖Such is my life/work/story.

❖7, 一些频率副词,often, sometimes, never, always, usually,程度副词,或方式状语出现在句首,❖Well do I remember the scene.

❖I remember the scene well.

❖Often did it snow there.

❖It often snowed there.

❖Many a time has he given me good advice.

❖Bitterly did we repent of our carelessness.


❖1,Here, there, now, then, hence, thus副词出现在句首时,

❖Now came the moment of decision.

❖The moment of decision came now.

❖Now comes your turn.

❖Your turn comes now.

❖Then came the revolution.

❖The revolution came then.

❖Look, there comes the bus.

❖Look, the bus comes there.

❖There goes the last bus.

❖The last bus goes there.

❖2, 地点状语在句首,常引起谓语倒装,这类谓语多为不及物动词而主语多相对长些。主语不是人称代词,这些动词有come, lie, stand, walk, rise , live , sit, be等

❖North of the Himalayas lies the great tableland of Tibet.
