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1、As the caption points out .The title of the picture further points out that .

2、What the drawing is trying to express is very conspicuous. It shows/describes/presents/depicts .

3、As is shown in the picture above, . what is strikingly noticeable is that.

4、The artist uses this metaphor in order to .

5、From the( pie/bar) chart/table/graph,.


1、The cartoon/picture/photo reveals a very thought-provoking scence.

2、discloses a prevalent(an increasingly common) phenomenon that has long existed in ( china’s academia) .


1、To thoroughly analyze this problem,we shoud take into consideration of all relevant aspects, so as to make the right decision.

2、It can be mainly attributed to (two) factors. The first and perhaps key factor .The other reason.

3、Judging from the analysis above,we may safely come to the conclusion that .


1、For the sake of benefiting people, .

2、Therefore, we must work out a win-win strategy to (promote economic development while retaining our cultural heritage ) .


1、I reckon that the consciousness of (maintaining health保持健康) is significant for both individuals and the whole society. On the individual level, . On the social level.

2、I firmly believe that,with the efforts of the whole society,we can launch more movements to.

3、These steps can help guarantee a solid economic order and a harmonious society.

4、Persenally speaking,I am thrilled to be part of this historic process of (cultural integration).

5、If everbody behaves in the similar way,hamony between man and the environment will not be far away.

6、If the sence of responsibility is greatly aroused,.


1、Different people have different views on.

2、Both sides are partly rights.

3、Everthing has both positive and negative aspects,.

living in big cities;大量的人涌入城市,喜欢到大城市的原因,以及这会引起的问题,比如说交通问题

As is profoundly depicted in the pie chart, we can come to a concl usion that a number of factors are responsible for a person’s choosi ng where he resides, we can see clearly from the pie chart that oppor tunities and the living cost account for a larger proportion of the t otal. However, at the same time, the other factors, such as income, l iving conditions, social connections and competition can not be negle cted either.

Currently, an increasing number of people do their utmost to swarm into the big cities, it is universally-held that there prove to be a number of reasons to be responsible for this social issue, in the fi rst place, compared with the rural areas, the big cities usually offe r more and better opportunities. What is more, to live in big cities is likely to widen our scope, which will be instrumental in our study as well as work. However, there exist a factor of significance that should be taken into account seriously, due to the soaring prices, es pecially the housing price, and the mounting inflationary, people liv ing in big cities are compelled to live under huge pressure.

In terms of the issue discussed above, the government concerned sh ould do a great job with regard to administrative decision-making and support-measures, what is more, the nation as a whole should do what ever they can to create a happy and harmonious environment for its pe ople.
