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1 适用范围 Scope of application

本标准规定了常州西电变压器有限责任公司所生产的出口变压器产品运输包装 的总体要求、包装方式、包装箱技术要求、装箱方法、装箱流程、包装标识等主 要内容。适用于本公司经铁路、公路及海洋运输的出口产品包装。

The sta ndard stipulates the general requireme nts which in elude pack ing way, pack ing technical requirements, encasement method, encasement procedure and packing iden tificati on etc. of tran sport package for export tran sformer produced by Chan gzhou XD Tran sformer Co. Ltd. It applies to export product pack ing by railway, highway and ocea n tran sportati on.

2 引用标准 Quoted criteria

下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成本标准的条文。 本标准出版 时,所有标准均为有效。所以标准都会被修订,标准使用方应探讨使用下列标准 最新版本的可能性。

Provisions contained in the following standard form the standard provision by quoting in this standard. When the standard published, all the standards are valid. All the standards will be revised. Stan dard users shall explore the possibility of using the latest versi on of the following criteria.

GB/T 7350-1999《防水包装》

GB/T 155-2006《原木缺陷》

GB/T 4823-1995《锯材缺陷》 GB/T 9846.3-2004《胶合板 第3部分:普通胶合板通用技术条件》

GB/T 9846.3-2004 Plywood The third part: Ge neral tech nical con ditio ns of ordinary plywood GB/T 7350-1999 Water-proof pack ing GB/T 155-2006 Defects in logs GB/T 4823-1995 Defects in swan timber

GB/T 7284-1998《框架木箱》GB/T 7284-1998 Frame wooden case

GB/T 5048-1999 《防潮包装》GB/T 5048-1999 Damp-proof packi ng

GB/T 6388-1986《运输包装收发货标志》GB/T 6388-1986 Tran sport

package shipp ing mark

GB/T 13384-2008《机电产品包装通用技术条件》

GB/T 13384-2008 General tech nical con ditio ns of mecha ni cal a nd electrical products pack ing

SN/T 0273-2002《进出口商品运输包装木箱检验检疫规程》

SN/T 0273-2002 Import and export goods transport packaging wooden box, in specti on and quara ntine procedures

3 总则Ge neral




Packagi ng of products should accord with stro ng, econo mic, reas on able and beautiful principle.Under the condition of the normal storage and transportation, Ioading and uni oad ing shall en sure that product from the date of shipme nts, in at least two years there would not come into damaged, lost, corrosion even affecting properties of products etc. phe nomena. To make sure the products can arrive at the dest in ati on safely, rapidly and in one piece and deliver to the customers in time.



We should choose the right modes of packing according to nature, weight, boun dary dime

s rec nsion, circulati on en vir onment con diti ons and customer of packing goods to make the packagingcompact, protection reasonableand safe and reliable.


The products should be qualified through in spect ion. The parts should be complete. The

products can be packed till the protect ion being done well. Ran dom file should be complete.



Boun dary dime nsion and weight of pack ing case should be accorded with domestic and

intern atio nal tran sport regulati ons on overr un, overweight.


Packagi ng en vir onment should be clea n, dry and with no harmful substa nces.



In order to reduce costs, ones with the orig inal packag in gshould try to use the orig inal

packag in g.Pack ing cases after the repair or modificati on shallaccord with the releva nt sta

ndards of professi onal packag ing requireme nts.



Packing case waited for transporting especiallythe accessorycase is required in in door
