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unit4 I have a pen pal重难点点归纳


playing sports 做运动climbing mountains 爬山singing 唱歌

watching TV 看电视playing the pipa 弹琵琶drawing cartoons 画卡通画reading stories 看故事doing kung fu 练功playing football 踢足球

dancing 跳舞listening to music 听音乐studies Chinese 学汉语

writing an email to 给…写电子邮件cooks Chinese food 做中国风味的食品

does word puzzles 猜字谜goes hiking 去远足make salad 制作萨拉

cook rice and noodles 做米饭和面条do the dishes 洗碗碟Don’t worry 别担心


1.You like tea a lot.你非常喜欢茶.(a lot= very much)

2.What do you like? Cake,for sure. 你喜欢什么?当然是蛋糕了。

3.This is my pen pal Peter. He is from New Zealand.这是我的笔友Peter,他来自于新西兰。

4.What are his hobbies? He likes doing kung fu and swimming.


5.Does he live on the South Island? 他住在南岛吗?

6.He lives on a farm. 他住在一个农场。

7.Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about his pen pal. 张鹏正和Oliver谈论他的笔友

8.What are Peter’s hobbies? Peter的爱好是什么?

9.He likes reading stories. 他喜欢看故事

10.He sometimes reads to the cows. 他有时候读给奶牛听。

11.He also likes singing.(=He likes singing,too.)他也喜欢唱歌

***also和too 都是“也”的意思,also用于句中,too用于句尾,并用逗号隔开

12.I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”! 我将教他中国歌曲《茉莉花》

13.Good idea !好主意!

14.He likes flying kites and singing English songs. 他喜欢放风筝和唱英语歌曲

15.Two students like dancing. One student likes singing.(***请注意动词like的形式)


16.I’m writing an email to my pen pal in Australia.我在给我澳大利亚的笔友写电子邮件

17.Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?Yes, he does.

18.Can I also be his pen pa l? 我也能成为他的笔友吗?

19.I am very interested in Australia.我对澳大利亚很感兴趣

20. I am learning English. 我在学英语。

21.Write to me or chat with me. 给我写信或者和我聊天

22.Let’s be friends ! 让我们交个朋友吧!

23.Does he live in China,too?他也住在中国吗?Yes, he does.

24.He studies Chinese. 他学习汉语。

25.Does Oliver do word puzzles every day? Yes, he does. Oliver每天做猜字谜游戏吗?是的。

26.Shall we dance? 我们跳舞好吗?***shall表示征求建议

27.There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. 在星期日下午一点有一节舞蹈课。28. I like dancing, and I need a partner. 我喜欢跳舞,我需要一个舞伴。

29.Join our football club. 加入我们的足球俱乐部。

30.See you on the playground. 操场上见!

31.Let’s read together. 让我们一起读书吧!

32.I have great books. We can share.我有很好的书,我们可以共同分享

33.Do you want to learn about robots?你想了解机器人吗?

e to the science room. He teaches students to make robots.


Unit5 What does he do?知识点归纳


1.What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?She is a head teacher. 她是校长

***这是问职业的专用语What does he/she do? 他/她是做什么的?

What do you/they do?你/他们是做什么的?

2.I’m going to be a head teacher one day. 将来有一天我将成为校长

***要表达“我要成为一名…”都可以译成I’m going to be a ….

如:a doctor 医生/a teacher 教师/a businessman商人/a pilot 飞行员/a fisherman 渔夫/a factory worker 工人/a postman 邮递员/a police officer 警察/a taxi driver 出租车司机/a cleaner 清洁工/a writer 作家/a singer 歌唱家/a dancer 舞蹈家/a football player 足球运动员/a scientist 科学家/a coach 教练/a secretary 秘书/a lion tamer 驯兽师/a bee farmer 蜂农/a computer game tester电子游戏测试员/ a magician’s assistant魔术师助手/a nut cracker 胡桃钳子

3.Where does he work? 他在哪儿工作?How does he go to work?他怎么去上班的?

4.She is a fisherwoman.她是一名渔民

5.He’s a businessman. He often goes to other countries.他是一个商人,他经常去其他国家

6.She’ll be here today. 今天她要到这里来。

7.Do you want to be a head teacher, too?你也想当一名校长吗?

8.I want to be a businessman. 我想成为商人。(businesswoman女商人)

9.What does Jiao Jie’s mother do? 焦洁的妈妈是干什么的?

***人名后加’s 是名词所有格,表示某人的

10.What does Xiao Yu’s uncle look like?小于的叔叔长的什么样?

11.He works at sea. 他在海上工作

12.He sees lots of fish every day.他每天看到很多鱼。***fish的复数形式为fish或者fishes.

13.He works on a boat.他在船上工作

14.He has a healthy life.他过着健康的生活。

15.He works very hard and stays healthy.他非常努力地工作并保持健康。

16.We should study hard and stay healthy,too.我们也应该刻苦学习并保持健康。

17.She works at/in a university.她在一所大学工作。

18.Lee is a doctor and he works in a pet hospital. Lee是医生,他在一家宠物医院工作。

19.Zhou Jing is a coach, and she works in a gym.周靖是教练,她在体育馆工作。

20.Guo Wei is a pilot,and he works on a rescue plane.郭伟是飞行员,他在救生飞机上工作
