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第一节听下面五个句子。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。听完每个句子后,你将有10秒钟的作答时间。每个句子读两遍。( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A. B. C.

( ) 3. A. B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

( ) 5. A. B. C.



( ) 6. What club is Henry in?

A. The English club

B. The sports club

C. The children’s club ( ) 7. When does Henry go to the sports club every week?

A. At 4:00 on Friday afternoon

B. At 5:00 on Friday afternoon

C. At 5:00 on Saturday afternoon


( ) 8. What does Miss Jane look like?

A. She is short.

B. She has straight hair.

C. She is thin.

( ) 9.Where is Miss Jane from?.


B. America.

C. Australia


( )10. Where are they?

A. At school.

B. At the office.

C. At home.

( )11.Who can help T ony’s mother?

A. Tony and his father.

B. Tony

C. Tony’s father.


( )12.Where is the zoo?

A. On North Street

B.In front of the park

C. On South Street ( )13. How far is it from here to the zoo?

A. About 500 meters

B. About 3 kilometers

C. About 30 kilometers ( )14. How can the woman get to the zoo?

A. By subway

B. By bus

C. By bike


( ) 15. What are Kate’s favorite animals?

A. Lions.


C. Tigers.

( ) 16. Why does Kate like this kind of animals best?

A.They’re smart.

B. They’re cute.

C. They’re interesting. ( ) 17. When do they meet?

A. At 8:00 this Sunday.

B. At 8:30 this Sunday.

C. At 9:00 this Sunday.


( ) 18. What is Tom doing?

A. Watching TV.

B. Exercising.

C. Washing his clothes. ( ) 19. What does Lucy ask Tom to do?

A. Go shopping.

B. Go out for dinner.

C. Meet her friend.

( ) 20. Where will they meet first?

A. At Tom’s home.

B. At the restaurant.

C. At Lucy’s home.

第三节听下面一篇短文。根据你所听到的短文内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。听完短文后,你将有1分钟的作答时间。短文读两遍。( ) 21. What did Kate do after she came back from the supermarket?

A. M ade a cake with her mother.

B. Cl eaned the house.

C. C ooked the meal for her friends.

( ) 22. When did Kate’s friends come to visit her?

A. At about 5:00.

B. At about 9:00.

C. At 6:50.

( ) 23. What did Mike do at the party?

A. D anced.

B. P layed the guitar.

C. W atched TV.

( ) 24. What did Tom do at the party?

A. He played cards with other friends.

B. He watched the soccer game on TV.

C. He read a story book on the sofa.

( ) 25. What did Kate think of her birthday?

A. B usy and terrible.

B. B usy but great.

C. F un and relaxing


从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )26. I like playing guitar, so my grandparents bought me new guitar.

A. /, a

B. the, the

C. the, a

D. the, an

( )27. Please don’t in the library, Tom.

A. be noisy

B. be quiet

C. noisy

D. to be noisy

( )28. —Do you have any family rules, Peter?

—Yes. For example, I can’t watch TV play computer games school days.

A. and, in

B. or, on

C. and, on

D. or, in
