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Unit 1 Cinderella

Period 1

A Listen and number

1 Cinderella goes home at twelve o’clock. She leaves a shoe behind.

2 Cinderella cannot go to the prince’s party.

3 Cinderella tries on the shoe and it fits.

4 The fairy gives Cinderella new clothes and shoes.

5 Cinderella is sad. A fairy es to help.

Period 2

B Listen and choose

1 A: Hurry up, Yang Ling.

G: Why?

A: The party is at seven thirty. We have to go at seven o’clock.

Q: When does Yang Ling have to go for the party?

2 A: Wang Bing, why can’t you play basketball with us? B: Because I have to go home. There’s a football match on TV.

Q: Where can Wang Bing watch the football match?

3 A: Why are you so happy, Nancy?

G: Because I have a new storybook.

Q: Why is Nancy happy?

4 A: Mike, there’s a new film at Jinling Cinema. Would you like to go with me?

B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework.

Q: Why can’t Mike go to see the film?

5 G: I’d like this blue dress, Mum.

W: OK. You look nice in this dress, Helen.

Q: Who wants the blue dress?

Period 3

B Listen and judge

B: Hello, Su Hai.

G: Hi, Mike.

B: We have a party in our classroom this Sunday afternoon. Would you like to


G: Yes, I’d love to.

B: Can Su Yang e too?

G: No, she can’t.

B: Why?

G: Because she has a dancing lesson.

B: What a pity! Can you bring some toys to the party?

G: Sure. I have a lot of toys.

B: Thank you, Su Hai! See you.

G: See you.

Period 4

B Listen and choose

Ruby lives with her parents in the forest. One day, her grandma is ill, so she takes a cake to see her. On the way, a wolf sees Ruby. He gets to Ruby’s grandma’s house before Ruby and eats Ruby’s grandma. Then, he puts on her clothes and waits for Ruby in bed because he wants to eat Ruby too. Finally, Ruby es. She finds the wolf in Grandma’s bed and cries for help.

A man es to help her and kills the wolf.

Unit 2

How do you e to school?

Period 1

A Listen and choose

1 Yang Ling lives near school. She goes to school on foot.

2 Liu Tao lives on Park Street. He goes to school by taxi.

3 Su Hai’s new home is on Moon Street. She goes to school by bus.

4 Mike lives in Sunshine Town. It is far from school. He goes to school by metro.

Period 2

B Listen and choose

1 A: Peter, is your home far from your school?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s near my school.

2 A: How does Miss Chen e to school?

B: She often es to school by bus. She sometimes es by taxi.

3 A: Does Lucy live near City Library?

B: Yes. She lives in Moonlight Town on Zi * Street. It’s beside City Library.

4 A: How do you go to work, Mr Zhao?

B: I usually go to work by bike. I sometimes go to work on foot.

Period 3

B Listen and choose

Jack lives near his school. He goes to school on foot every day. Jack’s friend Lily lives near school too. They always go to school together. One day, they see many small fish in the river near their school on their way back home. Jack wants to play with the fish. He takes a sweet out of his schoolbag and throws it into the river. But the fish are afraid and swim away.
