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Module 6 Entertainment

Unit 2He said it was on at the





课题: He said it was on at the cinema.

( 外研版初二下Module 6 Unit 2 )

设计人: 于晓平

一.课型: Reading and writing

二. 教材分析

本课是一节读写课,因此在本模块的学习上占有很重要的位置。本课既是对第一单元所学的直接引语与间接引语转换的进一步感知和体验,也为第三单元中模块任务即write a review of your favourite TV progranmme做好了准备。




四. 教学目标:


1学生能掌握下列单词(词组)的读音、拼写和意思:fight sail ship tonight

act character face action play scene funny although opinion except advise能够在课文中正确理解下列单词:pirate believable lost fighting romantic

2学生能掌握下列词组:face to face in one’s opinion true to life except for.


4 在阅读中提高阅读与写作技巧,阅读后能写出关于娱乐评论的文章。


(1)听: 通过听文章来获取有关娱乐话题的主要信息和细节。.

(2)说: 能根据文章内容运用直接引语和间接引语转换规则进行问答、讨论、复述等。

(3)读: 能读懂电影简介及评论、明白文章主旨大意,提高理解文章结构的技能。.

(4)写: 能运用间接引语转述别人的话。


1 自学策略:学会用英文与别人交流看法。

2 合作学习策略:积极参与讨论、倾听他人看法、发表个人观点,在小组内学生合作学习、探究学习。



1 重点:理解掌握应知应会的单词及词组。理解整篇文章,基本掌握阅读策略。学会发表自己对影视节目的看法和喜好;能利用所学知识写一个关于电影或电视节目的评论。


1 revision

Look and say. What did he/she say.?

Ask Ss to look at the screen and answer questions using the Indirect Speech. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途


2 Teach new words through talking.

Look at this picture, who’s he? Yes, he’s Jackie Chen.

What’s he? He’s an actor.

He’s an action film star.

He acts very well.

What do you think of him? He’s very funny.

Have you ever seen his film called the Myth?

Now look at the poster of this film?

How many characters can you see in this poster?

Characters means the people in the film ,got it?

Look at this picture. What are they doing?

They are fighting. Do you like this scene?

No, yeah, the fighting looks dangerous.

Look at this picture. What do you think of this scene? It’s beautiful and romantic.



4 Lead-in

Just now we talked about Jacky chen’s movie. This class we’ll learn about an introduction of a foreign film. Now look at this picture. This is the poster of the film. Can you guess what it’s about?

That’s good, you’re clever. Do you want to know what the film is about? Now le t’s learn the passage in Unit Two on page 50.



5 Listen to the passage and answer questions

Ask students to listen to the passage with questions, Then answer quickly.

【设计意图】: 让学生带着问题来听,会使学生注意力集中,可以提高听的效率。

6 Read the passage and check the main idea of each paragraph.
