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小升初外研版英语试题 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-




( ) 1. A. under B. mum C. student D. study

( ) 2. A. five B. four C. off D. of ( ) 3. A. these B. help C. bed D. get ( ) 4. A. please B. sweater C. seat D. teacher

( ) 5. A. book B. good C. look D. too 二、单项选择(15分)

()’s going to_____rain in shanghai.

A. be

B. is

C. are

D. 不填

() American spaceship_____a man into space.

A. bought

B. gave

C. took

D. buy

( ) apples are _____down the stairs .

A. falling

B. fall

C. fell

D. falls

( ) ’re going to _____Chinese.

A. speaking

B. speak

C. speaks

D. making

( ) 5. –Jane______ library every morning.

A. go

B. going C . goes D. goes to

( ) 6. -- ____shirt is this It’s ______.

A.Who’s Kate’s ; Kate’s ; hers ; her

( ) 7. Mr Brown is ____teacher. We students like

___very much.

; her B. my;mine ; him D. her;her

( ) 8. ----Nancy and her daughter ______shopping tomorrow.

B. is going

C. will go

D. will going

( ) 9. She’s watching TV ,_____the doorbell is ringing

A. and

B. so

C. for

D. But

( )10. It’s cold today .It’s going to_____snow tomorrow.

A. be

B. being

C. / D for

( ) Keller______ born in America.

B. were

C. is

D. Are

( ) a small child, he became deaf.

A. To C. As D. With

( )13---What does he like _____dinner ---Rice and bread

A. at

B. in

( )14. He is a model _______ all the children.

A. for

B. to D. At

( ) you like to play basketball_______baseball

---I like to play basketball.

A. and

B. or

C. both

D. with


()1. What do you want to eat A. In France.

()2. What did he do B. Yes, please.

()3. Did you go to the park C. Five dollars.()4. Where was he born D. I want a hamburger.

()5. Do you want a cola E. Thank you!

()6. Where is Yang Liwei from! F. Yes, I did!

()7. Could she write G. In the afternoon.() did you go! H. Liaoning.

()9. How much is it , she couldn’t.

()10. Here you are! made a birthday card.


’s making am card I birthday .


2. his, don’t, I, name, know ( .)

____________________________________________________ 3. is, where, book, my ()

____________________________________________________ 4. all, is, that, right ( .)


team going we to a have baseball .




d_ llar _ pple sn_ w col_ d_ck

h_ t r__ __n h__m b_ _g_ _ d_ _ _be_ _ a_ _ m_ _


you ______ (see)a film last night?

year my brother __________(become) a teacher.

can’t hear what you say. Please say __________.(loud)

made lots of __________ (mistake)with English.

never__________ (play)with dolls

