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读短文,完成对话。 Little Duck: Old Tree, You are _____and ____ than me. The sun gets ________, but my shadow gets ______.Why? Old Tree: That’s easy. You shadow gets longer because you are getting _____and growing _____every day. Little Duck: So what will happen to me? Old Tree: Well……
The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter.
_________________ Title Little Duck is watching the sun go down.(小鸭 子正在看太阳落下)。It is getting lower and lower, ( 太阳变得越来越低) . but his shadow is getting longer and longer. (但是小鸭子的影子变得越来越长) . “Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree. “You are older and smarter than me” Tell me –Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower? “ Old Tree says “That’s easy, Little Duck, The sun goes down every day. And we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. You are becoming a big beautiful bird. “ Can you answer Little Duck’s question ,Robin?
Unit 1 How tall are you ? B Read and write
dinosaur 恐龙 dinosaur (单数) dinosaurs (复数) 2.hall 大厅 3.metre 米 4.than 比 5.both 两个都taller 更高的 7.older 更年长的 8.younger 更年轻的 9. shorter 更短的、更矮的 10. longer 更长的 11.kilogram 千克 12.heavier 更重的 13.smaller 更小的 14.bigger 更大的 15.stronger 更强壮的 16.thinner 更瘦的
用所给词的适当形式填空 1. A giraffe's neck is ____________( long) than a goat's neck. 2. Zip is ___________(old) than Zoom. 3. I am ________(tall) than her.
根据汉语意思填空。 1. That's _________dinosaur in this hall.(最高的) 2. It is taller __________both of us together.(比) 3.There are more____________ over there.(恐龙) 4. I am 1.65 ____________(米)
领读、学习新单词 1.countryside ['kʌntrɪsaɪd] 乡村 2. lower ['ləʊə] 更低的 3. shaLeabharlann Baiduow ['ʃædəʊ] 阴影、影子 4. smarter ['smɑ:tə] 更聪明的 5.become [bɪ'kʌm] 开始变得、变 成
Read and write: