大学英语课件 Unit+1-1

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
▪ 1) The textbook, pens or pencils
▪ 2) A notebook or some extra paper for note-taking, quizzes or other assignments in class
▪ 3) A relatively regular partner and group, as there are many tasks that should be done in pairs or groups
(II) Learning Objectives
▪ Be able to read at a speed of at least 70 words per minute and catch the main idea.
▪ Be able to write a passage of no less than 120 words within 30 minutes about the given topic.
(II) Tasks after class
▪ 1. Do exercises in the textbook ▪ 2. Fulfill other assignments ▪ 3. Preview new units ▪ 4. Learn untaught units or texts
independently ▪ 5. Read the additional materials
IV. About Vocabulary
(I) Objectives
▪ 《大学英语课程教学要求》 ▪ 一般要求(四级):4794 ▪ 较高要求(六级):6395 ▪ 更高要求(六级后):7676 ▪ “大学英语积极词汇 ” (2337)
▪ 随着现代社会的发展, 中国文化变得越来越多元。 例如,在过去几年中,有越 来越多的中国人喜欢过西方 节日。
▪ With the development of modern society, Chinese culture has become more and more diversified / multiple. For example, in the past years, there have been more and more Chinese who like to celebrate Western festivals.
(III) Teaching arrangement
▪ Class Schedule
(IV) Evaluation System
▪ Assignments ▪ Quizzes ▪ Final exam
30% 30% 40%
III. Course Requirements
(I) Make sure you have the following items with you in class:
listening to comic dialogues
▪ Tel: 13401180707
▪ Mailbox: wangzhaofei6666@sina.com
II. Course Description
(I) Purpose of this course
▪ To improve your skills of academic reading, writing, and translating.
▪ The development of modern society has added to the diversity of Chinese culture. A case in point is that the past years have witnessed an increasing number of Chinese fond of celebrating Western festivals.
▪ As the developping of morden socity, the China’s culture have becomeБайду номын сангаасmore and more diversity / multi-, such as, in the past years, there are more and more Chinese like spending western festival.
▪ In the future, there will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.
▪ 将来会有机器人主持的电视谈话节目 以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这 些汽车尾气超标(违规),监控器就 会使其停驶。
▪ Be able to translate any sentences or short paragraphs about the topics that are discussed in the course-books or tests.
▪ 许多人喜欢中餐。在中国, 烹饪不仅被视 为一种技能, 而且也被视为一种艺术。精 心准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技艺和 配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都 有一个共同点, 总是要考虑到颜色、 味 道、 口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食 物对健康至关重要, 好的厨师总是努力在 谷物、 肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡, 所以 中餐既味美又健康。
I. About Myself
▪ Birthplace: Weihai, Shandong
▪ Education: Master of Art,

Foreign Affairs University
▪ My family
▪ My hobby: mountaineering, swimming,

Academic English Reading
and Writing
Contents Today
I. About Myself II. Course Description III. Course Requirements IV. About Vocabulary V. About Grammar VI. Assignments