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Ⅱ.Grammar and Vocabulary 20%

Section A 10%

Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

What do you think a successful person is? Someone who makes a lot of money? Someone who is remembered by future generations? Not long ago, a volunteer teacher Liang Ju and his students from the incredibly poor Wu Meng Mountain region in southwest China sang the poem titled Moss(苔), (12) reminded us of our more humble measures of success. The message goes something like this: Tiny and seemingly insignificant

(13) moss is it is,able to grow and flourish just like the peony.

In the modern world,more and more individuals from rural areas are flooding into the cities to find success. (14) _ this wave of urbanization; competition for jobs, love and just about everything else is fierce. Ordinary people who lack connections, a desirable appearance or other (15) (desire) qualities can often feel depressed with their circumstances. The poem serves as a reminder for everyone (16) we đon’t have to be the peony.

When we study human history, we come across names like Genghis Khan, and Neil Armstrong. While we admire (17) ,for tremendous achievements, we tend to forget the countless individuals who helped them achieve greatness. Mongol leader Genghis Khan couldn't have been able to conquer half of Europe and Asia without his incredible army or advisors. Nor (18) American astronaut Neil Armstrong have made it to the moon without NASA. So, is it truly necessary for our names (19) (write). down in history books? Or can we be satisfied with just knowing that we played our part?

In a few months, most of China will likely have forgotten about Liang Jun; however, his students and everyone he has inspired(20) (learn) his message by heart, take heart from his inspirational words and forge their own paths in life. The poem Moss may live longer In our memories and inspire many future generations

(21) (Look) for "greatness” to achieve their measures of success So, for the briefest moment, while "we still remember them, let us applaud heir success in spreading his simple message to the world.

【答案】12.which 13.as/though 14.With 15.desired 16.that 17.them 18.could 19.to be written 20.will learn



12.考察非限制性定语从句关系词。先行词是the poem,该关系词在定语从句中充当主语且指物,其前有
