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hospitals throughout china are faced with blood shortage and a great many patients ' lives, therefore, are threatened. write a

proposal letter to

1) concern for the problem

2) call on them to be blood donors

dear schoolmates,

a severe shortage of blood is afflicting china ' s hospitals and numerous blood banks have reported dangerously low supplies. because of recent acute blood shortage, many vital operations have to be postponed, which reduces a large number of patients to bleak despair.

what can we do to relieve the blood shortage and save these pitiful patients? the best solution should be rolling up our sleeves to donate blood. being a blood donor won ' t harm our own health, so i hope all of us can actively and voluntarily participate in blood donation.

yours sincerely, li ming

【篇二:2013 高三英语作文以“打造和谐校园”为主题的



1. 学习意识;

2. 尊师重道;

3. 校园环境;

4. 课外活动。

注意: 1. 词数100 左右;

2. 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 根据提示适当增加内容,以使行文连贯。dear fellow students,

the 90thanniversary of our school is on the way.

li hua


dear fellow students,

the 90th anniversary of our school is on the way. i propose students in our school should do something meaningful to celebrate.

making every effort to work hard is encouraged. the atmosphere in class is vital to our school. we are to be the

pride of our school in the future. meanwhile, we ' ll never forget our teacher. but for their efforts and devotion, we wouldn ' t make it. also, we ' re expected to call on others to keep the

surroundings clean on campus. we ' re supposed to chang e the

habit of littering wherever we go. after-class activities make our school life colorful. our school clubs can also have a chance to make our school famous for its cultural environment.

to make our school better, we students ought to do our best to devote ourselves to the development of our school.

li hua






1. 介绍情况,发出倡议;

2. 倡议的理由或意义;

3. 倡议的具体内容


1. 一定要写清楚提倡议的理由是什么,也就是为什么倡议,但是理由不要太多,抓住一两点具体说清楚就可以了。

2. 提出的倡议不要面面俱到,要有针对性地抓住主要问题提建议,而和此无关的或关系不大的其他方面,就不必赘述。

3. 要充分考虑到倡议的可行性和具体条件。提出的倡议必须是别人能够做到的或有条件做到的,而不能凭空想象,不着边际。许多同学在倡议中喜欢喊口号,这种做法虽然没有什么不妥,但总是给人一种夸夸其谈、华而不实的感觉,自然也就很难获得高分了。


一篇得分较高的书面表达应该具备以下特点:1) 覆盖所有内容要点; 2 ) 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,过渡自然;3)

语句有简有繁,使用了较多的语法结构和词汇;4) 语法结构正确,具备较强的语言运用能力;5) 语言地道流畅,书写规范


1. 审题:细读提示,弄清题材、体裁和格式,确定人称、时态。

2. 抓点:用重点句型和短语列出文章的内容要点。

3. 造句:将要点扩写成句,注意中英文在语言表达方式上的差异。

4. 成文:连句成文。正确使用语句间的连接成分,使行文流畅,并注意段和段的衔接,做到逻辑正确、条理清楚。

5. 润色: 尽量使用常用词汇和句型,但对有把握的高级词汇和复杂句式也要大胆运用。在覆盖文章要点的基础上,可以适当发挥,但扩展的内容一定要紧扣主题,不要写和主题无关的内容。总之,要做到不漏写、不错写、不多写、不乱写。

6. 复查:整篇文章所用的人称是否一致;动词时态、语态是否一致、恰当;格式是否适当;冠词、名词单复数及单词大小写、标点及所有的拼写是否准确无误;词数是否符合要求;分段是否合理等。

7. 誊写:修改无误后,认真规范地誊写在规定的地方。卷面要整洁美观,尽量不出现涂改痕迹;字的大小和倾斜度,行距、字距,都要适当,以免难以辨认。

