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Unit 1 Helping those in need


raise v. 筹募,增加,提高

She raises money for the disabled people.

He asked the boss raise his salaries.

permission n. 准许,批准

They entered the area without permission.

permit是其动词形式,常见搭配为permit sb to do sth,意为允许某人做某事。

Permit me to explain.

teenager n. 青少年

The teenager ran away after being punished.

offer v. 主动提出

He offered to do voluntary work

[拓展]offer意为“主动提出”时,后接动词不定式to+do;offer还可作“提供,供应”解,常用短语有offer sb sth或offer sth to sb.

They offered us some money.

suffer v. (因疾病等)受苦;受折磨

The children suffered from serious illness.

serious adj. 严重的;严肃的、庄重的

That could cause serious injury

Please be serious for a minute, this is very important

illness n. (某种)病

He stayed home for a day because of a slight illness.

organize v. 组织,筹备

We organized a painting competition for them.

express v. 表达,表露。

He could not express his feelings of sadness to his mother. 他不能向母亲表露出内心的悲痛.

pain n. (精神上的)痛苦,苦恼;(肉体上的)疼痛, 疼痛

He felt a sharp pain in his knee.他感到膝盖一阵剧痛。(肉体上)

I never meant to cause her pain.我从没有让她痛苦之意。(精神上)

lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的

I live all alone but I never feel lonely. 我虽孑然一身, 但从不感孤寂。





I'm a lonely man.

b.alone 形容词,副词,意为“独自的(地)、单独的(地)”,指客观情


I am alone at home.(作形容词作表语)

I like to work alone. (作副词修饰work)

friendship n. 友谊,友情

At school she formed a close friendship with several other girls.

difficulty n. 困难;费劲

The country is facing great economic difficulties.

joy n. 愉快,喜悦

To his great joy, she accepted. peace n. 平静,宁静

She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.

hurt v. (使)疼痛;受伤

He hurt his back in an accident.

My feet hurt. 我脚疼。


The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt.

courage n. 勇气

She didn't have the courage to refuse.

siprits n. 情绪,心境

to be in high/low spirits 情绪高/ 低

You must try and keep your spirits up.

pay v. 付费

pay (sb) (for sth) 支付……费用;

I'll pay for the tickets. 我来买票

Her parents paid for her to go to Canada.

pay (in) cash 用现金支付

You'd get a discount for paying cash.

pay by cheque/credit card 用支票/信用卡支付

Can I pay by credit card

community n. 社区

He's well liked by people in the community.

in need 需要帮助的

We are collecting money for families in need.

常见的用法还有in need+of sth,意为“需要……”。

I was all right but in need of rest.

write a letter to sb 给某人写信

You can write a letter to him

[拓展]receive a letter from sb.或hear from sb. 收到某人的来信。

I received a letter from my friend yesterday= I heard from my friend yesterday.

ask permission 请求批准。permission为不可数名词,意为“批准,准许”。

You must ask permission if you want to leave early.

They took away the books without permission.

Could you do sth? 你能做某事吗?用于委婉地请求别人做某事,有时候在you后面加please。

Could you please close the door?

Yes, sure.

[拓展]表示委婉请求的句型还有“Would/Will you please (not) do sth”

Would you please (not) feed the dog?

give sb. a hand 意为“帮助某人”,相当于help sb.
