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1. May I help you, madam?

________ D ____________ .

A. Sorry, I have no idea

B. Yes, I know what to buy

C. You' d better give me a hand

D. Yes, I ‘ d likeioskof oranges

2. May I know your address?

_______ A _____________ .

A. Sure. Here you are.

B. I have no idea

C. It ' s far from here

D. Sorry, I ' ve forgotten

3. Well, Mary, how are you?

________ C _____________ .

A. I' m good

B. I ' m pleased

C. I ' m fine

D. I ' m nice

4. I don' t like the sports programs on

Sundays.__B _____

A. So do I

B. Neither do I

C. So am I

D. Neither am I

5. Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?

________ B __________________ .

A. Yes, but I ' ll have English classes.

B. Sorry, I have an appointment with Dr. Brown.

C. I ' m afraid I have no idea.

D. Neither am I



6. It happened _ D ____ a win ter ni ght.

A. at

B. in


by D. on 7 I know it isn ' timportant but I can' t help__B

______________ a bout it.

A. but to think

B. thi nki ng

C. to

D. thi nk

8. That 's all settled. It D talked about.

A. should


't B. must nt b e C. can't D. needn ' t be

9. Her pare nts died whe n she was very young, so she

was A _________ by her aunt.

A. brought up

B. brought out


grow n up D. grow n

10. ____ B __________ he said is quite right.

A. That

B. What

C. How

D. Why

11. Don' tworry. There is ___ C ________ room for all your books here.

A. more

B. much

C. eno ugh

D. some

12. What ' s happd to Tom?

___ D __________ to hospital.

A. He ' s taken

B. He ' ll be taken


He' II take D. He ' s been taken

13. I don' tsuppose he will attend the meeting,

B ?

A. won 't he

B. will he

C. do I

D. don ' t I

14. A fine weather it is!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

15 Not only I but also Jane and Mary ___ B ________ t ired of hav ing one exam in ati on after ano ther.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be

16. Our pla ne A ______ f rom Lon don at 7:00 yesterday eve ning.

A. took off

B. put off

C. flew

off D. left off

17. Mr. White has a wife and three children to

_A ______ .

A. raise

B. keep

C. grow

D. take

18. He kept the light in his room __ B ______ the whole ni ght.

A. bur nt

B. bur ning

C. bur n

D. to burn

19. Be sure to ______ A _______ your wife when you come here this eve ning.

A. bring

B. take

C. get
