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Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?

1,go+V-ing与do some +V-ing

go+V-ing表示“去从事某种活动”(一般指户外)go shopping/ swimming/ skating/ dancing/ skiing/ climbing/ camping/ hiking……

do some +V-ing 表示“从事某种活动”(一般指室内)do some writing/ washing/ cooking/ cleaning/ reading……

2,去看电影go to the cinema/movies

3,在湖边露营camp by the lake

4,为――考试复习study for a test study for the English test

5,做导游工作work as a guide

6,生活习惯living habits

7,熬夜stay up late

8,shout at sb 因生气或愤怒向某人吼叫;

shout to sb 对某人大声叫喊,目的是让人听见

9,逃跑run away

10,adj修饰不定代词adj要放后面something important,anything interesting

11.带某人去……take sb to…

12,put up tents

put away v.放好,放弃, 抛弃put on v.穿上, put up v.举起, 抬起, 建造, put off v.推迟, 拖延, put into v.使进入, 把...翻译成, put down v.放下, 拒绝,

13,生火make a fire

14.第一晚on the first night

15.相互each other= one another

16. 吓了一大跳get a terrible surprise

18,结束做某事finish doing sth

19,look out of…从……朝外看(window,door……)

look out at sth 向外眺望……

look out for 留神、注意、小心、关心

20,feel/ watch/ see/ hear sb do sth强调整个过程

feel/ watch/ see/ hear sb doing sth强调动作正在进行

21,jump up and down

22,wake up /wake + 代词+up wake me up

23,so +adj +that +结果状语从句“如此……以致……”

eg:I was so busy that I didn’t go to sleep for 3 days.

The weather was so cold that they had to stay at home.

so that 引导目的状语从句,以便,为了(in order to)

eg:they got up early so that they could catch the early bus.

I raise my voice so that I can make myself heard.

Unit 11How was your school trip?

1. milk既可是不可数名词,又是动词


把某物喂给某人/某物feed sth. to sb/sth

以...为生,以...为食feed on

.用...喂.. feed...on/with..

3. quiet安静的;形容词, quite相当,完全;副词eg. quite quiet相当安静

quite a little 相当多+不可数名词

quite a few 相当多+可数名词

4. 不定代词:



nothing 什么事都没有表示否定nothing= not …anything



2. 形容词放在不定代词之后

Eg. something interesting


给...看,显示、出示show sb. sth 、show sth to sb

带领某人参观show ab around

6. 学习,知道Learn...about...,了解=know about,如:learn about English

学习某物learn sth. 如:learn English

学习做某事learn to do sth. ,如:learn to swim

7. farm. farmer , farming

farm 可数名词农场, on the farm


farmer 可数名词农民,农场主

farming 不可数名词农事,耕作

8. Pick vt 意思是摘;捡起,拿起,搭载pick up;

9. How was your school trip? = What was your school trip like?意为“….怎么样?”答语:It was great./ OK/ not bad./ excellent

10. 极好的,优秀的excellent adj. 在...方面极好be excellent in

11.take photos of sb/sth

12.worry, worried

worry v. 担心,担忧worry about…

worried adj. 担心的be worried about…

13.go on a school trip

Go on a hike go on a picnic

Go on a visit go on vacation

14.The guide taught us how to make a model robot.

疑问词(疑问代词what, which,who,whose和疑问副词when,where,how,why)+动词不定式构成动词不定式短语,

Eg:我不知道怎样拼写这个单词I don’t know how to spell this word.

15. 教某人去做某事teach sb. to do sth. ;教某人某事teach sb. sth.

自学teach oneself =learn by oneself

