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一. 听力(共 25小题,每小题 1分,计 25分

A. 情景反应下面你将听到 5个句子,请根据听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内,每个句子读一遍。

1. A . I’m sorry to hear that. B . It doesn’t matter this time. C. That’s all right.

2. A . Yes , she’s at home. B . She’s at home and at school. C. She’s at school.

3. A . I don’t , either . B . Me , too . C . No , I don’t .

4. A . I went on a field trip. B . I’ve gone to Shanghai.

C. I always talk with my friends.

5. A . I don’t know. B . Where did you put them ?

C. Put them here, please .

B. 对话理解下面你将听到7段对话及10个问题,请根据听到的对话和问题,选出正确的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内,每段对话及问题读两遍。听第一段对话,完成第六小题。

6. How does the woman usually go to work?

A . By bus.

B . On foot.

C . By bike.


7. Where was Jim born?

A . In London.

B . In Washington.

C . In China.


8. Does Li Lei play volleyball very often?

A . Yes , he does.

B . No , he doesn’t .

C . He sometimes plays it. 听第四段对话,完成第九小题

9. Where is the woman?

A . In the park.

B . In a shop.

C . In her office.


10. When is Sue going to do her homework?

A . At seve n o’clock .

B . Today .

C . On Sunday.


11. Who played football yesterday?

A. Susan , Frank and Tony. B . Frank , Tony and John.

C. Susan , Tony and John.

12. What did they do after playing football?

A . They did their homework.

B . They planted some flowers.

C. They went swimming.


13. What did the boy decide to do?

A . To live in the school .

B . To stop schooling .

C . To go out to play . 14. Whom did the boy tell about his decision?

A . His teachers.

B . His parents.

C . His neighbors.

15. How did his parents respond to his decision?

A . They didn't mind.

B . They disagreed with him.

C. They agreed with him .

C. 短文理解下面你将听到两篇短文,请根据听到的短文,选出问题的正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内,每篇短文读两遍。

听第一篇短文,回答 16-20小题

16. What is Kate going to do?

A . T o play games. B. To visit her brother’s family.

C . To do some shopping.

17. What is she bringing to her brother?

A. A pair of trousers. B . A shirt. C . A black sweater.

18. Is she going to give a present to her brother's wife?

A.Sorry , I don’t know. B .No , she isn’t . C . Yes , she is. 19. Where are the presents?

A . In her box.

B . Beside her seat.

C . Behind her.

20. What can she see out of the window?

A . Cotton .

B . Clouds .

C . Her presents.
