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Chapter 1

Lexicology 词汇学

Context 语境

Pragmatics 语用学

Phoneme 音素

Morpheme 词素

Semantic fields 语义场

Lexicology: is the study of the vocabulary or lexicon of a given language.

Morphology 形态学

Semantics 语义学

Etymology 词源学

Lexicography 词典学

Morphology is the study of the forms of words and their components, is to look at morphemes and their arrangements in word formation.


Morphemes: the smallest meaningful units which may constitute words or parts of words.


Semantics: is often defined as the study of meaning.

Etymology: is the study of the whole history of words.

Lexicography: is closely related to the words in a given language.

What is a word?

Word:is used traditionally to refer to a sequence of letters bounded by spaces.


Word: an uninterruptible unit of structure consisting of one or more morphemes.


Word: is viewed as a minimal free form which can occur in isolation and have meaning but which cannot be analyzed into elements which can occur alone and also have meaning. (除复合词)


Major features of words

A word is a sound or combination of sounds which we make voluntarily with our vocal equipment.

任意的、发声器官Pitch 音高Juncture 停顿

A word is symbolic and is used to stand for something else.

The word is uninterruptible unit

A word has to do with its social functional

A word may consist of one or more morphemes

Words are part of the large communication system we call language.

A word occurs typically in the structure of phrases

A word receives some of its meaning as it fills the grammatical slot in a sentence.

Syntax: 句法学

Discourse analysis: 语篇分析

Word classes

Closed classes: preposition pronoun determiner conjunction auxiliary verb


Open classes: noun adjective verb adverb


Lexical words(词汇词)= form open classes

Grammatical words(语法词)=closed classes and so on

Inflectional words(8): 名词复数、所有格,动词三单、过去式、过去分词、现在分词,形容词的比较级、最高级。

Derivational words: 前缀、后缀

简单词simple words

复合词compound words

复杂词complex words(加词缀)

Semantic field:as a named area of meaning in which lexemes interrelate and define each other in specific ways.



Componential analysis: 成分分析

Chapter 2

Morpheme lexeme morph root stem base polysemy homonymy



The most elemental grammatical units in a language


The ultimate grammatical constitutes, the s mallest meaningful units of language.

Lexeme 词位

A unit of lexical meaning, which exists regardless of any inflectional endings it may have or the number of words it may contain.

An abstract linguistic unit with different variants.
