人教版八年级下册英语 unit5复习教案 教师用

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Lesson 7 (unit 5) 人教版(T)



每日一谚语:Adversity makes a manwise,not rich. 逆境出人才。➢词汇短语


rainstorm [ˈreɪnstɔ:m] n. 暴风雨alarm [ə'lɑ:m] n. 闹钟

strange [streɪndʒ]adj.奇怪的,陌生的

report[riˈpɔ:t]v. 报导,报告area['eərɪə]n. 范围,地域,地区

flashlight ['flæʃlaɪt]n. 手电筒,火炬ma tch[mætʃ]n. 火柴,比赛beat [bi:t]v. 敲打,打败

asleep [əˈsli:p] adj.睡着的,熟睡的

rise[raɪz]v. 上升,升起fallen ['fɔ:lən] adj.倒下的,落下的

realize['ri:əlaɪz] v. 认识到,了解passage ['pæsɪdʒ] n. 章节,段落pupil [ˈpju:pl]n. 学生completely [kəmˈpli:tli] adv. 彻底地,完全地shocked [ʃɔkt]adj. 震惊的,震撼的

terrorist [ˈterərɪst] n.恐怖分子

truth[tru:θ] n. 真相,真理,事实



51.The lin theroomis too weak,I can’tsee it clearly.

52.The rain wasbheavilyagainst the windows.

53.Are youfor orathe plan?

54.He was verytired,and fell aafterdinner.

55.I don’t understandthe word, can youtell me the moftheword?

41.Iwas cutting myhair when thes_____________(奇怪的)man passedthe door.

42.Ben’smom wasputting some candlesandm_____________(火柴)on the table.

43.Wewere having funinthe p_____________(操场)when the school be llrang.

44.Robert and his friends were c_____________(完全)surprised tohear the news.

45.The newsonTV r_____________(报道)that there wasa rainstorm int he area.


56.His grandfather(kill) by a person sixty years ago.

57.I know the person,becauseI remember(see)him in your school.

58.He has trouble in(learn) English.

59.You should tell us the(true).

60.Her mother(cook)at 6:30 yesterday.

46.We were climbing up themountainwhen it began to rain___________(heavy).

47.Ben didn’t fall asleep untilthe wind ___________(die down)ataround3:00 a.m.

48.Hehad afight withhis best friend, and they walkedhome in__________ (silent).

49.I wastootiredand still sleeping when my alarm___________( go off).

50.Kate didn’t think herfriend wastellingthe ____________(true) about the event


66.Tom didhomework at home yesterday.(用at thattimeyesterday改写句子)

Tomhomework at homeat that timeyesterday.

67.Shewas making a bananamilk shake.(就画线部分提问)


68.Thegirl wanted to play with us.(改为同义句)

Thegirlplaying with us.

69.These workers had to stopworking,because the rain was too heavy.(改为简单句)

These workershad to stopworkingthe heavy rain.

70.Other people sawthe strange light,too.(改为同义句)

Other people saw the strange light.


二.56.waskilled57.seeing58.learning59.truth60.was cooking

三.66.was doing67.What was;doing68.felt like69.because of70.as well



()1. When the man downstairsknocked atthedoor, I _______.

A. am doing housework B.was doing housework

C. weredoing housework D.am going to do housework

( )2. There isablackboard ________ourclassroom.Our teacher was standing________ the blackboard at this time yesterday.

A. in front of; inthe frontofB.in the front of; on

C. in the front of;in front of

D.infront of; in

()3. — Look!The cat________fromthe tree.

— Yes.It ________ the treejustnow.

A. is jumpingdown; climbed up

B.is jumping down;is climbingup

C. jumpsdown; wasclimbing up

D. jumps down; climbed

()4. What were you doing ________ last Sunday morning?

A.atB.inC.over D./

()5. WhileI wasat the ________, I heard a nurse ________Davy’sname.

A. doctors’; callB.doctor’s;to call

C. doctor’s;callingD.doctors’;called

( )6 ._________ beautifulpark Xiaoyaojin Park is!

A.What B.What aC.How D. How a

( )7.“They are filling thebagswith clothes.” means they’re ________

A putting theirclothesaway B.putting their clothes into the bags

C.putting down their clothesD.putting on their clothes ( )8.—What are you doing?
