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Live in fancy houses Go to classy restaurants Drive fabulous cars
How can they become so famous?
Star quality Physically
attractive Dress stylishly Fashion icon
talented Quite humble
and modest
大腕 起起伏伏
非常努力开拓事业 自律 永不放弃 非常有才华
They always know exactly what they want in their life.
With great ambition With exact purpose 明确的目标
A person you would like to be similar to 2014
Someone you admire/ appreciate 2011-2012
A role model 2010-2011 A successful person 2008-2009
Describe a famous person
Sometimes we don’t admire people for their physical appearance, but rather their spiritual qualities.
Big shots Ups and downs Put in all their
efforts in career Self – discipline Never give up Extremely
功成名就 一夜成名
To have fame and fortune 名利双收 To achieve success overnight 一夜成名 They shine under the spotlight 在聚光灯下闪耀 Stay on top of the game 潮头之上
Ho can they be so famous?
A believe most celebrities can receive a lot of media attention and have a huge fan base.
媒体关注 粉丝 They frequent the red carpet event. 经常出现于 红毯活动
What kind of media attention do they receive?
Why he/ she is famous
Going on to my next point which is why he is famous, I really need to add that he is a world-renowned martial arts (武术) film star as well as being a successful director. In fact he was probably the first Chinese actor to achieve blockbuster (超级大 片)success in Hollywood.
星质 外表出众
装扮时尚 时尚标杆
For instance
Celebrities from a foreign country Household name 家喻户晓 He/ she always looks so stylish and
fabulous that he/ she quickly become a popular fashion icon.
Who this person is Why he/ she is famous Why you would like to meet this
celebrity What you would like to do if you met
this person
Celebrity Well – known people
celebrity What you would like to do if you met
this person
Who this person is
I guess I could begin by saying something about who this person is, and I think I would have to choose the superstar Jackie Chan from Hong Kong. I am such a big fan of his works (作品)such as Rush Hour, Myth and Police Story.
Well, they always appear on the front cover of magazines and newspapers and make tons/loads of money.
(杂志、报纸)封面、头版 大量的
How do they make so much money so quickly?
Part 2 人物类
Part 2 话题类型
人物类 地点类 事件类 物品类
An old person/ family member A famous person A person that you know An animal
名人类话题· 出题趋势
A famous person from another country 2015
They endorse different products and keep a very high – profile lifestyle.
为……背书、代言 高调的生活方式
What do we admire them for?
We admire their extravagant lifestyle.
With unwavering goals in their career
Positive attitude Fighting spirit Clear purpose Never say never
Describe a famous person
Who this person is Why he/ she is famous Why you would like to meet this