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14级视听说听力原文unit6At several conversations. In this section, you will hear Directions:

about be asked conversation, one or more questions will the end of each

spoken be questions the conversations and the will what was said. Both

pause, the will be a pause. During only once. After each question there

you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide

which is the best answer.A: What did mom and dad talk about yesterday, Catherine

B: I didn't hear clearly.She doesn't know what her parents talked about.A.She wasn't home yesterday.B.She wants to talk to her parents.C.

She came back too late yesterday.D.

A: I'm sorry, Mr. Henderson. I have a poor memory with


B: That's no excuse for a D.employee and employerA.student and teacherB.4发布)patient and doctor(岭师分享群C.interviewee and interviewerD.A: Oh, Martin! I can't believe it.

B: Hey, Leo. It's a big surprise to see you at the restaurant.

A: I can't believe it's been eight years since we were living

in the same dormitory.

B: You know what. I remember it as if it were just yesterday.

A: So what's your best memory of our dorm life

B: Our turtle of course. The school said

o pets in student

dormitories. But we kept a turtle secretly for four years.

Can you imagine that

A: Yeah I remember that. And sort of ... you brought the

turtle home after we graduated. So how's he now

B. Very well. Here's a picture in my cell phone ... Thank God

it was a turtle that made no noise. And what about you, Leo

What do you remember about those days

A: Well, I still remember that night when both of us stayed

up and worked on our book review.

B: A book review On A Tale of Two Cities

A: Yes. And you see, we didn't remember the assignment until

the night before the deadline.

B: Yeah, and we spent a whole night working on it. Remember

we borrowed ideas from each other

A: Of course. It was lucky that we could finish our book

reviews before daybreak.

B: Oh, I really miss those days.just heard.conversation you have to 5 are based on the Questions 3

was the relationship between Martin and Leo They were colleagues.A.

They were roommates.B.

They were teammates.C.

They were actors in the same movie.D.

is the turtle now With Martin.A.

With Leo.B.

In the wild.C.

Already dead.D.

spent a night working on their _____.term papersA.

chemical experimentsB.

TV showsC.

book reviewsD.

Directions: In this section, you will hear several short passages.

At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the

passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear

a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices

marked A), B), C) and D).Passage OneAlthough scientists have different opinions, most people find

that their dreams are very meaningful for them. Dreams are

useful in learning more about the dreamer's feelings,

thoughts, behavior, and values. Many find that dreams can help

them solve problems. Further, artists, writers, and

scientists often get creative ideas from dreams.

Many people agree that dreams reflect one's deep thoughts and

feelings. The people, actions, settings and emotions in your

dreams are personal to you. Some dream experts think that

there are typical dreams and dream elements that happen to

different persons, cultures, and times. But usually the same

image or symbol will have different meanings for different

people. For example, an elephant in a dream can mean one thing

to a zoo keeper and something quite different to a child whose

favorite toy is a stuffed elephant. Therefore, books which

give a specific meaning for a specific dream image or symbol

are not usually helpful. By thinking about what each dream

element means to you or reminds you of, by looking for

connections between what is happening in your dreams and what

is happening in your waking life, you can learn to understand

your dreams. It can be helpful to keep a dream diary and

reflect on many dreams over a long period of time.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard. can be used to learn about the dreamer's _____.futureA.




people, settings and emotions in one's dream are _____.different from those in real lifeA. all imaginedB.personal to himC.repeating themselvesD. do some dream experts believe Some people never dream in their life.A.Having dreams every night is good for the mind.B.Dreams are not colorful.C.There are typical dreams happening to different times.D.
