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be from = come from
I am from China. =I come from China. He is from Japan.
=He comes from Japan .
be from = come from
Where are you from ? =Where do you come from ? Where is he from? =Where does he come from?
Where do they come from? They come from Canada.
They are Canadian
What country is it?
Where is he from? He is from France.
Where does he come from? He comes from France.
He is French.
What country is it?
Where is she from? She is from Japan.
Where does she come from? She comes from Japan.
She is Japanese.
What country is it?
B: She’s from France.
A: So, where does she live? B: Oh, she lives in Paris.
Conversation 3 A: Andrew, where’s your pen pal from? B: She’s from Australia. A: Uh-huh. Where does she live? B: She lives in Sydney.
B:He/She lives in ...
Australia/ Sydney
the United States New York
Where are these cities ? Complete the chart below.
Where is he from? He is from Australia.
Where does he come from? He comes from Australia.
He is Australian.
What country is it?
Where is he from? He is from Singapore.
the United States
City Sydney New York Paris Toronto Tokyo
the United States
France Japan
France Canada Japan
2b Listen and circle the cities and countries in 2a you hear.
She is English.
I’m from China. I live in Xiangtan.
live 居住。实义动词。居住在某地常用
“live in + 地点(国家/城市)”。如:
Where does he live? He lives in Paris.
他住在什么地方?他住在巴黎。 Dale lives in Australia. 戴尔住在澳大利亚。
the United States City Sydney New York Paris Country Australia the United States
France Japan
France Canada Japan
Toronto Tokyo
Listen again and complete the chart. 2c
the United States
Where are they from? They are from the USA.
Where do they come from? They come from the USA.
They are American.
What country is it?
Conversation 1
A: Where’s your pan pal from, John? B: He’s from Japan. A: Oh, really? Where does he live?
B: Tokyo.
Conversation 2 A: Where’s your pan pal from, Jodie?
What country is it?
Where is he from? He is from China.
Where does he come from? He comes from China.
He is Chinese
What country is it?
Where are they from? They are from Canada.
Where do they live? They live in Tokyo .
Match the cities with the countries.
Country Canada Australia the United States Japan France China the United Kingdom Singapore
1. 你来自哪里?我来自澳大利亚。 Where are you from? I’m from Australia. 2. 你的笔友来自哪里?他来自加拿大。 where is your pen pal from? He is from Canada. 3. 他们来自哪里?他们来自日本。 Where are they from? They are from Japan. 4. 中国是一个伟大的国家。 China is a great country.
London New York
New York is in the United States.
B:He / She comes from ... Canada/ Toronto
A:Where does he/she come from? A:Where does he/she live?
Country 1.China 2.Japan 3.France 4.UK 5.Australia 6.USA 7.Singapore 8.Canada Language English French Chinese Japanese Chinese and English English and French
be from 的主语如果是物,可指
“此物产于何地”。 如:-Where is your computer from? -It’s from Beijing.
6. pen pal 笔友= pen friend
I have two pen pals. 我有两位笔友。 7. Canada 加拿大。国家是专有名词, 第 一个字母大写, 前不加定冠词。 加拿大人是Canadian。 Lucy is from Canada. (不说: the Canada)
Unit1 Where’s your pen pal from?
用适当的be动词填空。 1. I am ___ from China. Is he from the United Kingdom? 2. ___ 3. Where ____ are they from? are from the United States. They ____ 4. She __ is from Japan. Is his pen pal from Singapore? 5. ___ is from Canada. 6. Tom ____ are from France. 7. Mary and Lily ____ 8. ___ Are your friends from Australia?
Which city is it?
Where does she live? She lives in Sydney .
Where do they live? They live in New York .
Where does she live? She lives in Paris .
Where does he live? He lives inToronto .
This is my new pen pal.
Her name is Sally.
She is from the UK. She lives in London.
She speaks English.
-What language do people speak in …? -They speak …
5. be from 来自 如:
I am from Japan. 我来自日本。
Where are you from? 你来自什么地方?
Where is John from? 约翰来自什么地方? be from = come from 来自 She is from France. 她来自法国。 =She comes from France.
Where does he come from? He comes from Singapore.
He is Singaporean
What country is it?
The United Kingdom
Where is she from? She is from the UK.
Where does she come from? She comes from the UK.
Name City
Paris Sydney
Japan France Australia
Pair work:
A: Where does John’s pen pal come from?
B: He / She comes from ...
A: Where does he/she live? B: He/She lives in ...
France 法国 French 法国人;法语 Japan 日本 Japanese日本人;日语
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
1. 国人名词的单数变复数,可通过口
盟a →e换,余国词尾s添。 2. English是英国、美国、加拿大、 澳大利亚的官方语言。
3. 含有国籍词的习语:Chinese walls严格 保密,万无一失;American dream人人 自由,机会均等;take French leave不辞 而别。 4. 注意国籍词在同义句转换中的运用。 如:I come from America. =I am from America. =I am American. =I am an American. 我是美国人。
Group work: 用下面三个问句调查同组成员的笔友情况,
What’s your pen pal’s name? Where is your pen pal from?
Where does he/she live?
Name Pen pal’s name Country City
Canada Toronto
Hello! I have a pen pal. His/Her name is…. He/She comes from … .He/she lives in …. My classmate Jodie has a pen pal, too. His/Her name is…