新概念英语第一册 Lesson 93 知识点梳理

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(请结合第一册课本第103 课至第104 课内容参考学习)


1.pass vt. 通过考试,通过检验

vi. 通过(某科)考试pass in + 科目

I have passed my driving test.

I passed in English.

2.fail v. 没及格,失败failure n. 失败

Failure is the mother of success.

I failed the French paper.

I have failed my Maths test.


clever adj. 聪明的,伶俐的→stupid adj. 笨的,傻的

Don’t be silly. (口)别傻了。

cheap adj. 便宜的,廉价的→expensive adj. 贵的

在生活中如果我们要表示某样东西价格不贵或较便宜,我们一般用expensive 的否定形式。


This skirt is not expensive. 这条裙子不贵。(但质量是有保证的)

The skirt is cheap. 这条裙子很便宜。(因为质量不好而价格低廉)

fresh adj. 新鲜的→stale adj. 馊掉的

Don’t eat it. The bread is stale.

low adj. 低的→high adj. 高的

low 和high 可以修饰建筑物、质量或分数等。但一般不修饰人的身高。

I get a high mark in the English exam this time.

hard adj. 硬的→soft adj. 软的

hardware n. 硬件software n. 软件

sweet adj. 甜的→sour adj. 酸的→bitter adj. 苦的→spicy adj. 辛辣的【经典句型】

1.How about you?

What about.... 以及How about... ?



We are going to the cinema. How about your sister?

This garden has a chair and three trees. What about the table?


We will talk about it again. How/what about meeting next week?

(3)该两句都可以用于询问对方,(关于刚才那个话题或建议)...的想法呢?Everyone else is coming. How / What about you ?

2.The English and Maths papers weren’t easy enough for me.

They were too difficult for me.


sth. + be + adj. + enough + for sb. + to do sth.

sth. + be + too + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.

我们一起来看看,上述句型结构是怎么“长大”(越写越长)的呢?English is easy.

English is easy enough.

English is too easy.

English is easy enough for me.

English is easy enough for me to understand.


I couldn’t go out. It was too cold for me to go out.

Is that suitcase light enough for you to carry?

Is that suitcase too heavy for you to carry?

(2)paper (U) 纸 a piece of paper

(C) 卷子English papers

3.I could answer sixteen of the questions.

But I couldn’t answer the rest.

(1)question n. 问题

out of question = no problem (现代口语中已不太流行该用法)out of the question = impossible

This car is too expensive. I can’t buy it. It’s out of the question.

(2)rest n.


单数名词或代词连用的话:the rest of + 单数名词、代词

How would you like to spend the rest of the year?

复数名词或代词连用的话:the rest of + 复数名词、代词

Don’t worry. You can buy the rest of the books.

②休息take a rest 休息一会儿
