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一. 单项选择。(20 分)

1__________Monday afternoon we rode bicycle to Georgetown.

A On

B In

C At

D For

2 ________does he go shopping? ---Twice a week.

A. How

B. How often

C. How long

D. How many t

3. _______ junk food tastes very good, ________it isn’t healthy.

A. Although, but

B. Although, /

C. But, although

D. But, /

4. My mother wants me _______milk.

A. drink

B. drinking

C. to drink

D. drinks

5. Sarah was shy two years ago, but now she is __________than before.

A. too much outgoing

B. much too outgoing

C. a little more outgoing

D. more much outgoing

6. Which is _________radio, 970AM, 9

7.9 FM or 107.9 FM?

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. the best

7.My parents ____ at home on weekends.

A. are all

B. are both

C. all are

D. both are

8. There is ____ food in the fridge, I should buy some this afternoon.

A. little

B. a little

C. few

D. a few

9. --- The banana is too big. ---- You can ______ first.

A. cut up them

B. cut them up

C. cut it up

D. cut up it

10. John can’t get up so __ as his little sister.

A. earlier

B. early

C. more early

D. very early

11. Susan is taller than _______ in her class.

A .any student B. other students C. any other student D. the other student

12. He was too tired,so he _______ .

A. stopped resting

B. stopped to rest

C. stopped to work

D. stops working

13. I don’t go to bed ________I finish my homework.

A. until

B. after

C. if

D. when

14. Would you like _______ for lunch?

A. beef and tomatoes noodle

B. beef and tomato noodle

C. beef and tomato noodles

D. beef tomatoes noodles

15. Tom’s grandmother likes to watch him _________.

A. read and write

B. reads and writes

C. to read and write

D. reading and writing

16. My sister ______ middle school in two years.

A. will finish

B. finishes

C. finished

D. finish

17. There is nobody in the room,________?

A. isn’t it

B. isn’t there

C. is there

D. is it

18. —Must I come at four o’clock?—Oh, no, you

A. mustn’t

B. don’t

C. can’t

D. don’t have to

19. There are about two ________ students in the new-built school.

A. thousand

B. thousands

C. thousands of

D. thousand of

20. He looks upset. He doesn’t know ________.

A. what to do it

B. how to do it

C. how to do

D. do what



Robots seem very new to most people. But they have a long history. The first one was made by a Greek inventor. You may have seen robots in some films. The robots in these films are stronger, faster and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring jobs. Some people can’t look after themselves and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see. Many of these people use a dog to help themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog. Scientists are making a robot to help them. In the future, robot dogs might take the place of these guide dogs.

Robots are also used in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes from the kitchen to the sick people’s rooms. It never loses its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system.


21. The first robot was invented by a Greek.
