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1.n ame game same came became

2.am exam example examination stampA

3.Ace face race place palace

4.h am ster hamburger champion campaign program programmer camel family

5.case bookcase pencil case

6.b ase baseball chase phrase

7.an fan pan panda pancake pants

8.ate late later date rating

9. can candy cancer candle

10.graduat e graduat ion

11.and land Thailand hand band stand

sand sandy sandwich

12.celebrat e celebrat ion

13.frustrate frustrating translation

14.grand parents grandmother grandfather

grandchild grandchildren

15.donat e donation

16.t ake mistake lake pancake bake bakery

shake snake make wake awake earthquake

skate skater

17.r ank bank blank thanks thanksgiving

18.an t angry ancestor piano than plan planet 19.made home-made man-made

a)age cage stage agent

20.str ange change exchange

21.at hat cat that chat chatline

22.danger dangerous endangerous

23.t aste waste

24.as has Bastille

25.g ave wave have behave behavior

26.t ag bag zigzag magazine

27.m ad bad dad had sad salad add

28.head ache toothache stomachache

29.f ax relax relaxing relaxed

30.paper new spaper

31.p ack back back pack backboard

black blackboard racket bracket

32.baby babysit

33.able disable unable

34.Asi an Canadian Australian

35.act actor actress

36.f ac t factory exactly

37.convers ation vac ation applic ation

punctu ation rel ation ship st ation

abbrevi ation associ ation inspir ation

transportation organization pronunciation

education educational exclamation

population application

38.mat h match

39.gr ade arcade apple lemonade

40.amaz e amazing amazed

41.emb arr assed emb arr assing c arr ot p arr ot

42.d ay today holiday may pay stay

43.play player playful playground display

44.way away subway say

45.c arr y marry married

46.talent talented

47.habi t habitat

48.balance balanced

49.f ail mail e-mail

50.p ain t painting rain rainy complain

main remain mainly entertainment

51.wai t waiter waitress

52.st rai ght aid afraid daily raise

53.a venue animal Africa African Amazon

adult album algebra advertising

advertisement aquatic abacus

54.eight eighth eighteen eighteenth

eighty eightieth

55. tr ash fl ash card

56.tra gedy s tra tegy

57.cha rity char acter

58.h ey they okey

59.br ea k great

60.r ang sang hang bang

61.h e she the we me theme

62.y es desk

63.y est erday best test contest rest

festival question questionnaire

west western suggestion

64.th ese Japanese Chinese

65.eve even evening fever

66.me dium metre kilometre

67.l e g egg athlete trek chef fetch

secret extremely scence

recent recently fresh step neck

mess less unless

68.press express expression

impress pressure

69.st ress dress address

70.ingred ien t convenient 71.see seen seem sightseeing

72.meet meeting

73.ch ess success successful successfully

74.agree disagree agreement disagreement

75. f ree freedom tree three green

76.elem en tary en tertainment g en tle m en tal

77.sp ee ch seek week weekend sweep

78.teen teenager thirteen fourteen fifteen

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

79.invent inwentor invention

80. tr en dy plenty enter rent central

81.end ending send lend spend blend

82.t ee th feet sweet feed need

83.pen pencil penguin expensive

inexpensive depend

84.sleep sleepy oversleep asleep

85.h en then ten tenth when whenever

twenty twentieth rent went bench

86.k ee p goalkeeper greece cheese

sneeze beef succeed Chimpanzee

87.st eel heel peel feel feeling

88.sea season seat

89.eat meat treat

90.tea team beach teach teacher

91.s ell shell fell bell pot-bellied tell well

spell smell well-known

92.help helpful

93.twel ve twelfth

94.b el t felt himself shelf else elbow

95.w eak speak sneaker

96.cr eam dream

97.lead leader mislead

98.read reader reading

99.r ed bed bedroom fled

100.s et let net Internet Tibet yet wet pet

met get forget

101.cheap cheapie

102.eas t eastern northeast southeast

103.cl ean bean mean means meaning


104.easy easily

105.m eal seal deal reveal

106.ele ven seven seventh seventy

seventieth seventeen seventeenth

107.peace peaceful

108.th ie f piece field midfield believe
