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1.Robin, of, mud, They, pull, out, the (.)(连词成句)

2.exercise, do, We, more, should (.)(连词成句)

3.is, going, Amy, a, dancer, to, be (.)(连词成句)

4.Goes after he school often running (.)(连成一句话)

5.afraid, am, them, I, of (.)(连词成句)

6.science, to, teacher, I, want, a, be (.)(连词成句)

7.have, I, to, homework, my, do (.)(连词成句)

8.you, to, how, school, do, come (?)(连词成句)

9.must, you, on, the, be very careful, road (.)(连词成句)

10.the, cinema, at, left, turn (.)(连词成句)

11.please, is, the, where, hospital (?)(连词成句)

12.Robin, stuck, is, worried, and(.) (连词成句)

13.the,mice, the, with, is, cat, angry(.)(连词成句)

14.park, go, the, let's, to, nature(.) (连词成句)

15.fun, walk, moon, the, it's, to, on (.)


16.cake, I, don't, any, have (连词成句)


17.how/ I/can/get//the/to/museum(?) (连词成句)


18. are What going you do to (?)


19.it/ a/ snows/ lot (.)(连词成句)


20.brother/ what/ your/ do/ does?(连词成句)


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1.【答案】They pull Robin out of the mud.

2.【答案】We should do more exercise.

3.【答案】Amy is going to be a dancer.

4.【答案】He often goes running after school.

5.【答案】I am afraid of them.

6.【答案】I want to be a science teacher.

7.【答案】I have to do my homework.

8.【答案】How do you come to school?

9.【答案】You must be very careful on the road.

10.【答案】Turn left at the cinema.

11.【答案】Where is the hospital, please?

12.【答案】Robin is stuck and worried.

13.【答案】The cat is angry with the mice.

14.【答案】Let's go to the nature park.

15.【答案】It's fun to Walk on the moon.

16.【答案】I don't have any cake.

17.【答案】How can I get to the museum?

18.【答案】What are you going to do?

19.【答案】It snows a lot.

20.【答案】What does your brother do?

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