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通讯行业专业英语词汇(8)通讯行业专业英语词汇(8)钳工工具small tool

欠费用户defaulting subscriber

嵌入操作系统embedded operating system eoc

嵌入对象embedded object

嵌入控制通道embedded control channel ecc

强拆(n) (v) forced releaserelease forcedly

强行测试forced test

强制链路无禁止信号link forced uninhibitation signal lfu

强制重新编路forced rerouting

抢先多任务preemptive multitasking

橇杠crowbar, pinch bar

桥堆bridge rectifiers

桥接,跨接bridge connection

桥接,跨接bridge connection

桥路器(桥式路由器) brouter



切断cut off

切换handover ho

切换(小区的切换)handover hando

切换候选查询handover candidate inquiry

切换检测handover detect

切换接入handover access

切换请求handover request

切换请求确认handover request acknowledge

切换执行handover performed

清除发送clear to send cts

清空输出窗口clean up output windows

清屏clear screen cls


请求request req

请求评议request for comments rfc

区域处理机regional processor rp

区域管理系统religion management system rms

区域基准时钟源local primary reference lpr

区域交换中心zone switching center

区域漫游使用regional roaming subscription

区域使用识别码regional subscription zone identity rszi 区域中心,大区中心regional center rc

驱动变压器driver transformer


取消位置cancel location


全方位omni- directional

全光网all-optical network

全价full rate

全接入通信系统total access communication system tacs

全局功能平面global function plane gfp

全局名, 全局码, 总称global title gt

全局名翻译global title translation gtt

全忙,全部占线all busy

全忙指示功能all busy indication function

全面试验,综合试验comprehensive test

全面支持话务的管理和测量fully supports traffic measurement and management within the system

全频道天线all-channel antenna

全球第三代global 3g g3g

全球定位系统global positioning system gps

全球范围的可靠保证highest reliability proven in the world market

全球小区识别cell global identification cgi

全球寻址码global title gt

全球移动通信系统global system for mobile communication gsm

全数字化full digitalization

全双工full duplex fd, fdx

全速率full rate tch/f

全速率话务信道full rate traffic channel tch/f

全速率话音业务信道a full rate speech tch tch/fs

全速率数据业务信道(2.4bit/s) a full rate data tch (2.4bit/s) tch/f2.4

全速率数据业务信道(4.8bit/s) a full rate data tch (4.8bit/s) tch/f4.8

全速率数据业务信道(9.6bit/s) a full rate data tch (9.6bit/s) tch/f9.6

全速率业务信道a full rate tch tch/f

全速率业务信道full-rate traffic channel bm

全天候服务all-weather service

全文检索full text search

全向覆盖omnidirectional coverage

全向天线omni antenna

全业务接入网full service access network fsan

全移动性full mobility

