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v. 跳舞
dance to the music
New words and expressions
8. obviously
adv. 显然
Obviously you are wrong.
What he said is obviously right.
Lesson 42
Not very musical
Robert 2014.11.15
New words and expressions
1. musical ['mju:zikəl]
a. 音乐的;精通音乐的
musical instruments musical score The lady is really musical.
3. pipe
pipe n. 两头通的东西, 如下水管道,
1) 管子 (tube )
a water-pipe 排水管 a gas-pipe
2) 管乐器
a bamboo pipe 竹笛 piper 吹笛者
New words and expressions
New words and expressions
2. market
n. 市场,集市 / ‘ma:kit/
① n. 市场,集市
We had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi.
② n.(商品的)市场,销路,需求(可数名词)
begin/start/continue to do sth.
begin/start/continue doing sth.
I continue (to go)/going on.
continue +sth.
Let's continue our trip.
Let's continue our journey.
glance at 扫了一眼(有意识)
One glimpse on him is enough.
I had a glimpse of his true feelings
New words and expressions
6. continue
v. 继续
stop to do sth. 式表示的动作
On the way to the station, I stopped to buy a paper.
stop doing sth.
I’ve stopped buying newspapers.
How can we stop him complaining?
4. tune n. 曲调 ① n. 曲调,曲子
She'll also be playing your favorite pop tunes.
It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune.嗓音只是一般,但他唱得很合调。
② n. 和谐
They lived in tune. out of tune走调;不协调;(对某事)没有兴趣 in tune (with)(与...)一致/协调 ;合调子
New words and expressions
His ideas are in tune with the times Her singing often gets out of tune
3. Did the snake know the difference between Indian music and jazz?
Language points
1. As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest.
market for…
The foreign markets for apple this year are not as good as last year.
Can you find a market for these shoes?
New words and expressions
A is different from B
vi. 不一致,不同
differ from
Questions (after listening once)
1. What did the tourists see at a square in the Old Delhi?
2. What did the snake do when the snake charmer play a tune with his long pipe?
continue to do & continue doing
continue to do st. 做完一件事继续做另一件事/ continue doing sth. 继续做刚才没做完的事
New words and expressions
7. dance
New words and expressions
9. difference
n. 差别
tell the difference between A and B 区别差异
Can you tell the difference between them?
different adj. 不同的
bΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu different from
③ v. 调整,使协调
She found it difficult to tune herself to a busy life.
New words and expressions
5. glimpse
n. 一瞥
have a glimpse of 眼帘 (无意识的看)