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第一作业调研报告 (1)

1.1调研内容 (1)

1.2工作量与要求 (1)

1.3正文 (1)

The development and application of NC machine tool servo system (2)

第二作业:典型曲线数字积分法插补方法 (13)

2.1目的 (13)

2.2要求 (13)

2.3 DDA法双曲线插补的积分表达式 (13)

2.4终点判别 (15)

2.5插补举例 (15)

第三作业:加工中心零件加工编程 (17)

3.1目的和要求 (17)

3.2数控机床设备 (17)

3.3加工工艺制订 (19)

3.4要完成的程序编写任务 (22)

















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2. 格式请参照本科生毕业论文要求(见教务处网站),总字数不少于2000字。


4. 如果出现雷同,两位同学均无成绩。


The development and application of NC machine tool servo system Since the invention of NC machine tool in 1950s, servo system has been the indispensable component of the NC machine tool. With the rapid development of new materials, electronic power and controlling system, the servo system has evolved from the step-by-step system to DC system and then to AC system. As the blossom of AC servo technology, AC servo system will replace the DC system wholly and take up the dominant position in the family of servo system.

With the electronic power conversion unit as actuator and controller as c ore , Servo system which contains the servo driver and servo motor const itutes the main part of the electric-driving and automatic control system . When working, firstly the servo system will

receive the signal from NC devices, and then drive the motion of machine tool as well as ensure the accuracy and speediness of movement under the guidance of pulse command . Usually, precision and speed of t he NC machine tool and other technical indicators

mainly depend on the servo system itself

1.The improvement and assortment of NC servo system

At present, engineers tend to assess the quality by reference to several im portant indicators, such as precision, speed and so on. Therefore, a NC se rvo system must meet these requirements.

High precision

Unlike the traditional manufacturing which can be manually handled to r egulate and compensate errors, the NC servo system has a high demand o n positioning accuracy and repeated positioning accuracy

Quick repose characteristic

Quick response is one of important indicators of servo system’s dynamic quality which requires the servo system following the command signal with minimum error as well as quick repose and high stability. Once receiving the instruction of manipulator, the working machine can restore the original state of equilibrium quickly after a short regulation or a disturbance from outer space.

Wide speed range

Due to the difference in work piece materials, cutting tool and process requirements, servo system must have wide speed range, so as to ensure that the CNC machine in any circumstances can get the optimal cutting condition. Thus the machine tool can satisfy the requirement of high speed machining as well as the requirement of low speed feed.The speed range is generally larger than 1 to 10000. when the machine is working in a low cutting speed which ask for a larger stable torque
