新概念英语第一册 113课

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The two tramps.
Now,Let’s go over the whole passage together!
Grammar points:
1. a ten-pound note next-door neighbour a five-year-old girl
tramp 流浪者
New words
conductor 售票员 fare 车票
New words
change 兑换 零钱
Vocabulary:Let’s read!
conductor n. fare n.
a ten-yuan note
note n. passenger n.
CONDUCTOR: _I_'m___ _v_e_r_y_ sorry, sir. _Y_o__u_ m_u_s__t _ get off __t_h_e_ _b_u_s__.
None _o_f_o__ur__p_a_s_s_e_n_g_e百度文库r_s_c_a__n change _t_h_i_s_ note.T_h_e_y_'_re___a_ll_ millionaires! TWO TRAMPS: Except _u_s___. 1ST TRAMP: I've got s_o_m__e_ small change. 2ND TRAMP: So h__a_v_e_ __I___.
note?Who’ll he ask for help? • No,he can’t. He’ll ask some of the
• 4.How many passengers does he ask?Can they change the note?
• He asks four of them. No, they can’t.
• Haven’t you got any small change? • 否定疑问句,表示人的惊奇不满或愤怒等情绪。 • 难道你自己不会做吗? • Can’t you do it yourself? • 难道你不想和我们一起去吗? • Don’t you want to go with us?
• Have got = have • Change 零钱
none pron. neither adv.
get off →
get on
note tramp passenger
1.P_as_s_e_n_g_e_r_s__will travel on a bus or in a car. Co2n.d_u_ct_o_r_s sell tickets on a bus. 3.T_ra_m__p_s usually beg money from other people. conductor get off except change
• 而且前后两句的时态要_保__持___一___致____.
Lesson 113 Small change
a one hundred-yuan note coins
small change
New words
except 除了
travel to many places New words tra+m+p
expensive cheap
There isn’t any milk in this bottle.= There is no milk in this bottle.
There isn’t any beer in that bottle.=
There is no beer in that bottle.
CONDUCTOR: Have y__o_u__ _g_o__t_ _a_n_y__ small
change, sir?
1ST PASSENGER: _I'_m___ sorry. I've got none. 2ND PASSENGER: ___I__ haven't got _a_n_y__
It saw nobody
in the street.
Have you got any apples?
No, I haven’t got any apples.= I’ve got no
Has the cat got any fishes?
No, it hasn’t got any fishes.=
2. I’ve got no small change, I’m afraid. 宾语从句提前 I’m afraid(that) I’ve got no small change.
3. none 既可以指人,也可指物。
4. either “也” ,用于否定句中。
5. Neither can I. 两者中任何一个都不…:三者或者三者以上用none。
conductor get off except change
Watch the video and answer!
• 1.Who has got some small change? • The two tramps. • 2. where does the man want to go? • He wants to go to Trafalgar Square. • 3.Can the conductor change the ten-pound
The boy didn’t go to the zoo the year before last. I didn’t go to the zoo either.
Neither _d_i_d__ I.
1. There isn’t any milk in the bottle.= There is
My grandfather likes cakes.
My grandmother likes cakes too.=
So _d_o__e_s_ my grandmother. How about your grandmother?
Jack will buy some books. I will buy some books too.=
It’s got no fishes.=
It has got none.
Has the dog got any bones? No, it hasn’t got any bones.=
It’s got no bones.=
It has got none.
Have they got any homework? No, they haven’t got any homework. =
• Except us. • except… 除了 • 除了我每个人都去了图书馆。
• Everybody went to the library, except me. • I’ve got some small change.
CONDUCTOR: C__a_n__ _y_o_u__ change _th__is__ ten-
pound note, madam?
3RD PASSENGER: _I_'m___ afraid ___I__ can't. 4TH PASSENGER: Neither _c_a_n__ __I___.
There aren’t any students in the classroom.= There are no students in the classroom.
Penny hasn’t got any money. =
She’s got no money.
It didn’t see anybody in the street. not anybody=nobody
note tramp passenger
4. Have you got any small c_h__a_n_g?e 5. We will __g_e_t__o_ff_ in People
6. Can you change this _n_o__te_ for me? 7. I like all the fruitse_x_c_e_p_t apples.
Lesson 114 I’ve got none.
As… … as: A is as… … as B
sweet sour
old young
not as(so)… …as:
A is not as… …as B
sweet, sour A is not so… …as B
Fill in the table
1st passenger
2nd passenger
3rd passenger
4th passenger
1st tramp

2nd tramp

Who has got some small change?
• I’m very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this note. They’re all millionaires!
• get off the bus 下车 / get on the bus 上 车
• 5.Why does the conductor say they are all millionaires?
Because they all can’t change the ten-pound note.
CONDUCTOR: Fares, please! MAN: Trafalgar Square please.
They’ve got no homework. =
They’ve got none.
Have you got any apples?
I’ve got some.
So have I .
Have you got any chocolate?
I’ve got some. So _h_a_s__ my sister .
no milk in the bottle.
not any+名词= no+名词
• 2. So/neither引导的简短回答:要用_倒__装___句
• 其前若是肯定句:后面用__S__o____+__助__动___词__+
• 其前若是否定句:后面用_N_e__it_h_e__r+__助__动__词___+
CONDUCTOR: I'm sorry, sir. __I ___ can't change _a____ ten-pound note. Haven't y_o_u___ got _a_n__y_ small change? MAN: I've got no s__m_a_l_l change, ___I'_m_ afraid. CONDUCTOR: _I'_ll___ ask s_o__m_e_ __o_f__ __t_h_e_ passengers.
• get into the car 上小汽车 /get out of the car 下小汽车
• all 所有人(三个或三个以上的人或物):他们 都喜欢巴黎.
• They all like Paris.
• both都(用在两个人或物中):他们两个都 喜欢巴黎。
• They both like Paris.
So _w__il_l _ I.
Have you got any apples?
I haven’t got any.
I haven’t get any either.
Neither have I .
Have you got any biscuits?
I haven’t got any either. Neither _h_a_s__ the bear.