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Hotel English Words:

make a reservation:预定


Room Reservation: 客房预订处

Book : 预订 book a room/ book a ticket Confirm : 确认

Counter : 柜台

Double room: 双人房

Single room: 单人间

Triple room:三人间

Standard room : 标准间

Family suite: 家庭套房

Deluxe suite : 豪华套房Presidential suite : 总统套房

Double room with tiwn beds:有两张单人床的双人间

Double bed:双人床

Room change : 房价

Special rate : 优惠价

Service change: 服务费

Discount : 折扣 a 10 percent discount/off

suites: 套房

How would you like to pay ? credit card or cash ?(您想怎么付款?)

---Credit card: 信用卡

---Cash : 现金

Name tag : 标签,行李牌

Luggage/baggage: 行李

Suitcase : 箱子

Handbag : 手提包

Valuables: 贵重物品

Breakable : 易碎的

Full name/complete name: 全名

Fill in : 填写

Nationality : 国籍

Departure date : 离开日期Signature : 签名

Passport :护照

Receipt : 收据

Fine : 罚金

Sundry fee : 杂费

Bill : 账单

Invoice : 发票

Mis-check : 算账出错Overpay : 多付

Currency : 货币

Airmail :航空邮寄

Ordinary mail/bill:普通邮寄Registered mail : 挂号信Charge to the room : 挂账Free of charge :免费的Exchange rate : 兑换率

Hotel policy : 酒店的规定Express : 快件

Deposit : 压金

Off-season : 淡季

Peak-season : 旺季

Arrival list : 来客单Telephone directory : 电话号码本A long distance :长途电话

A local call : 市内电话Extension : 电话分机

Elevator/lift : 电梯left--leave

Supermarket : 超市

Suite n. 套房

Discount n. 折扣

Reception desk n. 前台front desk Expense n. 花费、经费、费用

Charge v. 收费/n

List n. 表、目录、名单wine list 酒单, price list 价格单

Rate n. ,汇率,等级

Flight number n.飞行、航班号

Conference n. 会议

Check n. 支票

Doorman n. 门卫人员

Tag n. 标签

Registration n. 登记、注册register .v

Reception ist n. 接待员artist, science

Bellman n. 应接员

Recommend v. 推荐、介绍、建议

Trunk n.行李箱(卡车)

Baggage n.行李

Cash n.现金、现款

Credit n.信用贷款

Lobby n.(剧院、旅馆等的)门廊、门厅

Suitcase n.衣箱

Cart n.小推车

Entrance n.入口处出口exit

Attendant n.侍者、服务员,maid 女服务员

Timetable n.时刻表

Elevator n.电梯

Duty n.责任

Service n.服务

Spacious a.广阔的、宽敞的space. place

Souvenir n.纪念品

Restaurant n.饭店、餐馆

Indoor a.室内的

Salon n.沙龙、美容室

Bill n.帐单

Mini-bar n.(宾馆客房的)小冰箱

Can n.听头、罐头a can of beer

Receipt n.收到、收据、收条

Apologize v.道歉、谢罪

Request n.& v.请求、要求

Housekeeping department 房务部 Laundry n. do the laundry 洗衣服

Coordinate v.协调

Comfortable adj.舒适的

Business repeat rate 回头客率

Maid n 女服务员

Chamber maid 客房女服务员

Houseman n.杂务工doorman bellman

Trolley n.手推车cart

Towel n.毛巾

Shower n.淋浴take a shower洗澡When do you take a shower?

---Twice a day/Once a week /

Coin n. 硬币

Emergency n.紧急情况、突发事件
