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Wish this list may help lighten your work load in preparing the writing tasks for your students. All the best!


Liu Zhanrong

2007-9-19 19< Haste Makes Waste

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Haste Makes Waste. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:



[范文]Haste Makes Waste

H Haste makes waste H is an English proverb which has equivalent expressions in many languages- It has become a precept whose value is universally accepted.

This proverb can be verified by many other proverbs: 'There is no royal road in leaming”;” Rome was not built in a day n. Anyway it means that one should not be overanxious for quick results, otherwise he will fail. If one wants to be a scholar, he should make persistent efforts, burying himself in books. If he wants to take a shortcut, he will never become a scholar. If one wants to be president of a country, he should first display his remarkable ability in his routine work so that his ability will be recognized and accepted by others・ However, if he is impatient for success, he will never realize his goal. If a man courts a woman, he should try to win her love gradually. He should not expect to win her heart within a day, otherwise he will never get true love・

In conclusion, one should follow in order and advance step by step and should not be impatient for success, otherwise he will suffer a setback.

20. Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Harmfulness of Fake Commodities・ You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1.目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种现彖?


[范文]Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

In recent years, a lot of fake commodities have appeared in the market. These fake commodities have done great harm to the consumers and the society.

Since the policy of reform was implemented, China's economy has improved. A lot of people are getting richer, and their living conditions are getting better. But still some of them are not satisfied. They dream of getting rich overnight and living a heavenly life, which, of course, is impossible to achieve by fair means・ So they risk breaking the law to produce the market take commodities.

Once these fake commodities enter the market, they will do immeasurable harm to the society. The direct victims are the consumers. As the quality of the fake commodities is always very poor, the consumers may suffer great losses. Certain fake commodities, such as food and medicine, will cause irreparable harm to the health and well-being of the consumers・ Fake commodities also cut into the profits of the brandame-owners・ Since the fake ones are cheaper, people tend to be reluctant to buy the genuine ones.

21・ My View on Fake Commodities

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Fake Commodities. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given on Chinese) below:



[范文]My View on Fake Commodities

Nowadays there are a lot of fake commodities on the market. They range from daily commodities to expensive goods・ They have caused a lot of trouble in society.

First, fake commodities damage the consumers9 interests. In addition, fake commodities affect
