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They usually have less money at the end of the month than ___________ at the beginning.

A: which is

B: they have

C: which was

D: it is


Can you ________ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money?

A: verify

B: identify

C: justify

D: clarify


We all argued about it for hours and finally _________ at a decision.

A: came

B: arrived

C: drew

D: reached


Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations ________ formal language is use;

A: in which

B: on which

C: at what

D: in that


If you ___________ in your rent again, you may get thrown out.

A: fall behind

B: account for

C: charge for

D: come to


That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.

A: could

B: must

C: would

D: should


He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________.

A: having been recognized

B: to be recognized

C: recognized

D: being recognized


________ you are free, why not go skating with us?

A: Because

B: Since

C: As

D: For


It was until last year hat he ________.

A: left his home town for a new start

B: came to realize the importance of learning English

C: worked as an English teacher at a middle school

D: set out to build a new house of his own


Every dog that came ___________ sight was a terror to me.

A: in

B: to

C: at

D: on


It is desirable that the airplane _____________ as light as possible.

A: is

B: were

C: be

D: had been


The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is ________ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, propose;

A: fairly

B: kindly

C: greatly

D: largely


It seems very difficult _______.

A: to stop the child to cry

B: restraining the child to cry

C: to keep the child from crying

D: holding the child's crying


As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously produced only a large, luxury car ___________ compelled to make a smaller model in order to compete in the market.

A: is

B: are

C: was

D: were


The French pianist who had been praised very highly _____________ to be a great disappointment.

A: turned up

B: turned in

C: turned out

D: turned down


Snap judgments, if ________, have usually been considered signs of immaturity or lack of common sense.

A: taking seriously

B: taken seriously

C: take seriously

D: to be taken seriously


We all ____________ the achievements he has made in his study.

A: admire

B: adopt

C: advise

D: adjust


The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, ________ all practical value by the time they were finishe;

A: had lost

B: would lose

C: would have lost

D: should have lost


How to make a effective complaint about a faulty item.


How children are taught and learn to perform different roles.
