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1.非常喜欢\ 不喜欢某人或某物(dis)like sb. or sth. very much

喜欢 \ 不喜欢做某事(不定式)(dis)like to do sth.(具体的一次动作)

喜欢 \ 不喜欢做某事(动名词)(dis)like doing sth.(时常的行为,爱好)

他的喜恶 his likes and dislikes (名词,指喜欢的和不喜欢的人或事物)

喜爱\讨厌某人或某事love \ hate sb.or sth.

喜爱\讨厌做某事(不定式)love \ hate to do sth. 具体的一次动作)

喜爱\讨厌做某事(动名词)love \ hate doing sth. (时常的行为,爱好)

看起来像······look like (介词)

这女孩像她母亲一样喜欢吃苹果。(2)The girl like her mother likes eating apples.== Like her mother , the girl likes eating apples.

2.欣赏音乐enjoy music

享受阳光 (2) enjoy the sunlight==enjoy the sun

玩得开心(3)enjoy oneself==have a good time ==have fun

喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. 做完成某事finish doing sth 练习做某事practise doing sth

忙于做某事be busy ( in) doing sth. 忙于某事be busy with sth.

做某事玩得高兴的(2)have fun doing sth==have a good time doing sth.

花费时间做某事(2)spend some time \ some money (in)doing sth.花费时间或金钱在某事或某物上spend s.t. \s.m. on sth

期盼着做某事look forward to doing sth.(介词之后接动名词doing作宾语)

做某事怎么样呢(表建议)Wat about doing sth?=How about doing sth.?

感谢做了某事thanks for doing sth 擅长于做某事be good at doing sth

3.想要某物want sth.==would like sth. 想要做某事want to do sth. ==would like to do sth.

想要某人做某事want sb .to do sth.==would like sb to do sth.

4.看·······look at…==have a look at …

看一看have \ take a look 看黑板look at the blackboard 看这幅图画look at the picture

看黑板,你能看到什么?Please look at the blackboard(表过程) .What can you see? (表结果)

看上去强壮的、漂亮的look strong \ beautiful 看上去很酷\ 神气的,精神的 look cool \ smart

寻找look for(表过程);找到,发现find(表结果),搞清楚,弄明白find out

查询,查找look up(表过程);找到find(表结果)

在词典中查单词look up the word in the dictionary ==look the word up in the dictionary

把它或它们查出来look it \ them up (代词宾语放中间)类似还有:

把它打开、关掉turn it on \ off 叫醒我wake me up 试穿它们try them on

照顾好,照看好look after…well==take good care of

期盼着某事,期待着某事look forward to sth.(to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词)

期待着、期盼着做某事look forward to doing sth.

5.看电视watch TV

观看世界杯足球比赛watch the World Cup 观看烟火watch the firewoks 观看时装秀watch the fashion show

6.朗读英语read English

看漫画书read comic books==read comics


怎样使用这台新电脑how to use the new computer 该穿什么what to wear

什么时候完成这份设计when to finish the design 该在哪儿下车where to get off the bus

8.十二岁twelve years old

一个十二岁的女孩(定语)a 12-year-old girl===a girl of 12 (years old)===a girl aged 12(years old)这女孩十二岁。(表语)The \ This girl is 12 (years old ).

一个8岁男孩an eight-year-old boy==a boy of 8==a boy aged 8

那男孩8岁。The \ That boy is 8.

9.来自come from==be from

10.努力学习work hard ==study hard

努力学习英语work hard at English ==learn English hard

努力学习数学work hard at Maths==study Maths hard

11.擅长于某事be good at ==某方面干得不错do well in

擅长于做某事be good at doing sth.==做某事做得不错do well in doing sth.

12.戴眼镜wear glasses

那个戴眼镜的男孩the boy with glasses(定语,起限定作用,这里表男孩的特征)

那男孩戴眼镜。The \That boy wears glasses. (谓语部分,构成句子)

13.对人有礼貌的be polite to sb.

对人有帮助的be helpful to sb.

一个有礼貌且乐于助人的男孩a polite and helpful boy(定语,表男孩的品质特点)

帮助某人help sb. 互相帮助help each other 帮助某人某事help sb with sth.

帮助某人做某事help sb (to) do sth. 帮助做某事help (to) do sth.

请求帮助ask for help(help为名词是介词for的宾语)

哭喊着求救cry for help 向警方求助ask the police for help 拨打110求助call 110 for help

英语需要帮助need help with one’s English (help为名词是动词need的宾语)


This classroom is very big .That one is very big too.=That one is also very big.

这间教室不大。那间教室也不大。This classroom isn’t very big.That one isn’t ,either.

15.遛狗(3)walk one’s dog=take one’s dog for a walk =have a walk with one’s dog

16.步行回家(3)walk home ==go home on foot ==go home with one’s feet \ legs

乘公交车上学(3)take a bus to school==go to school by bus =go to school on the bus

骑自行车上学(3)ride (a bike) to school==go to school by bike==go to school on the \ one’s bike 17.在周末at the weekend==at weekends ==on Saturday and Sunday

在工作日,在学习日on weekdays==from Monday to Friday

18.在祖父母家at \ in my grandparents’ home

在我叔叔家at \ in my uncle’s (home \ house )

在家at home ==在某人自己家里at one’s own home

19.去跑步、散步、溜冰、滑雪、野营等go running\walking \skating \skiing\camping

20.为黄河足球队效力play for Huanghe Football Team

==是黄河足球队的一名成员be a member of Huanghe Football Team

==在黄河足球队中be in \ on Huanghe Football Team

==为黄河足球队进球得分score (goals) for Huanghe Football Team

21.最新成员the newest member

男孩中最高的the tallest of the boys(表同类的人或事物)

班里最受欢迎的学生the most popular students in the class(表范围)

最好的朋友之一one of my best friends(one of之后接名词复数)

尖子生之一one of the top students

22.那东西用英语怎么说?(3种)How do you say that in English ?==What’s that in English ?=What do you

call that in English?(call把。。。。。。称为。。。。。。)
