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We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _____

buy a new color television set,and I’m not 2. _____

sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _____

one. If we buy a small one,we might have 4. _____

to change for it in a few years’ time for a bigger 5. _____

one. My husband thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. _____

a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. _____

big. If we put in a very big television,they will 8. _____

be bad for our eyes. Anyway,we’d better to make 9. _____

quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ____


1. in改为into。in“在……里”表静态的位置;而into则表动态的位置,意为“进入”。

2. and改为but。前后句之间是转折关系。

3. a改为the。这里表特指,指要买的电视机的大小。

4. 此行正确。

5. 去掉第一个for。“把A物换成B物”的英语表达是change A for B。文章中该句句意为“几年之后就要把小电视换成大电视”。

6. no改为not。因为no是形容词,修饰名词,而necessary是形容词,所以要用副词not 来修饰。

7. said改为says。因为上下文都是用的一般现在时,这里指现在的思想,现在的想法。

8. they改为it。这里指的是the big television。

9. 去掉to。had better后接动词原形。

10. quick前加a。make a decision意为“作出决定”。


I live in the country and my father was a farmer. 1. __________

He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of 2. __________ hard work,he looks old than his age. When I was 3. __________ young,he is used to tell me the importance of study. 4. __________ Father knows little about English and other subjects, 5. __________ but he usually gives me some good advices on how 6. __________

to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me 7. __________ but also very strict in me. With his help,I’v e made 8. __________ great progress. I’ll never to forget what he taught 9. __________ me. I think my father is best father in the world. 10. _________


1.was 改为is。根据上下文的时态可知。

2. 第一个year改为years。因它受forty-five 的修饰。

3. old 改为older。因其后有表示比较的than。

4. 去掉is。比较:used to=过去经常,be used to=习惯于。

5. 此行无错。

6. advices 改为advice。advice 为不可数名词。

7. good 改为well。修饰动词要用副词,不用形容词。

8. in 改为with。be strict in后接某事,be strict with后接某人。

9. 去掉to。因助动词will后要接动词原形,不能接不定式。

10. best 前加the。形容词最高级前通常要加定冠词。


Thank you for your offer invite me to the free 1. __________

summer English course in your school. As for my 2. __________

choice of the two courses,I’d prefer the five-weeks 3. __________

course for 50 hours. This would allows me more 4. __________

time to see your beautiful country while learned 5. __________

language. I’d like to do some traveling and make 6. __________

a few new friends. In all the subjects I’m learning 7. __________

at school,I like English best. I hope me to take this 8. __________

chance to improve my spoken English level as much 9. __________

as possibly. I believe I will have a wonderful time 10. _________

in England this summer.


1. 把invite改为inviting。现在分词作定语修饰offer。

2. 此行正确。

3. 把five-weeks改为five-week。“数词+连字符号+名词”作定语,其中的名词要用单数。

4. 把allows改为allow。在助动词will,would及情态动词can,may,must等后面,永远要用动词原形。

5. 把learned改为learning。while learning=while I’m learning。

6. 在language前加the。特指英语这种语言。

7. 把In改为Of。subjects“科目”,English是其中一个“科目”,表示最高级的比较范围,若是整体与个别的关系,就用of。指时间、地点范围,才用in。

8. 去掉me。主语希望自己做某事,直接用hope to do sth,事实上,也不能用hope sb to do sth这一句型。

9. 去掉level。这是中文式英语。improve=make…better。
