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Nowadays students have to spend the whole week in do school

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work except the three meals. Now students has many interests. They

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like to reading books, playing computer and watching TV. A two-day


holidays can get them away from too much school work, and they can do

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what they like. But teachers do not think about it. They think the more

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homework the students do, the good grades they will get. Most students


are real tired of their weekend homework. So they don't do it until

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Sunday night. Sometimes, too much school work makes their lose

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interest in learning. It's also bad their health. But for students only

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rest is not enough. Students may get both pleasure or knowledge if they have a rest after a long time study.

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There is a field in front of my house. There is two horses in the

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field. First day, I looked at them out of my window. Each horse looked

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like the other one. When I came to the field and saw them again, I found

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that one of the horses couldn't see something, he was blind. Then I noticed

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that the other horse had a bell. The bell let the blind horse to know where

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the other horse was, so he couldn't lose his way. They run and played in

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the field. I watched they for a long time. The horse with the bell always

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made sure that the blind horse was quietly. The blind horse believed his

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friend such much that he would listen to the bell and follow his friend.


A young man said to me, “The blind horse feels happy because this bell.”



The more one read,the better one understands. And the better one

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There are many different kind of books about history, geography,biology,


science,art but so on. So before you read a book, you should

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try to find out what the book are going to tell. Usually newspapers or magazines

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can lead you the world of reading. Another problem is how to read. First,


you should understand the writers‘purposes and feelings. Two, you must

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think about what you can got from those books. A good reading habit is

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also well for you. Sometimes when you are free,you don't go to play,

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you can go to book stores instead of. Reading every day can make you know more about the world.



It is much easy to go down a hill than to climb up a hill. So it is easier

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to fall into bad habits than into good ones. Bad habits doesn't come suddenly.

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They come little by little when people do not notice their dangerous.


For example, students first develop little bad habits at school.

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When they can't finish their lessons, they copy from theirs classmates. If they see older

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boys smoking, they also want learn to smoke. From copying, their study

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fall behind, but then they learn to steal. Also, smoking is bad for their bodies.

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When they get older, these bad habits become such strong that they can no

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longer throw them away. In the end of, they will become worse and worse.


How necessary it is that we prevent the bad habits from enter our mind in the beginning.

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