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一、听辨单词,将听到的单词字母编号写在左边的括号里。每题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)( )1.A. bedroomB. bathroom

( )2.A.clean B. Chinese

( )3.A.chicken B.beef

( )4.A.forty B. four

( )5.A: spoon B: school

()6.A. kitchen B.teacher

()7.A: music B: milk

()8.A: vegetable B: noodles

()9.A: classroom B: home

( )10.A: brother B:mother


()( ) ( )

() ( )


( ) 1. I can use______.

A. B.

() 2. This is my_______.

A. B.

( ) 3. I’d like some _______.

A. B.

( ) 4. My family has ______members.

A. B.

() 5.My father is a ______.

A. B.


( )1. A. She is in thestudy. B.She’s a baseball player.

() 2. A. Ilikesports. B.I’d like s ome riceand vegetables.

( )3. A. Near the phone B. Thanky ou.

()4.A.Thiry.B.Sure .Here you are.

()5.A.She’s a doctor.B.Yes, she is.




( )1. A:riceB: soupC: lightD:bread

( )2. A: thinB:long C: short

D: small

( )3.A:thirty B: twenty C: pencil D:fifty

( )4.A: picture B: door C: window D:wall

()5. A: spoon B: water C:plate D: fork

()6. A. kitchen B.vegetable C.noodlesD.bread

()7. A.aunt B. sister C.uncle D. chopsticks

()8.A.computer B.floor C. colour D. fan

()9. A.science B.phone C. shelf D.fridge

()10. A.strong B.fifty C. quietD.thin


( )1.----Let’s clean the windows.

---- ____________.

A. All right. B.Thank you.

()2.Isshe in the bedroom?

A No, they aren’t.

B Yes, sheis.

()3. Ihave ____________ English book.

A.a B.an

()4.Go to the____________. Watch TV.

A. bathroom

B. livingroom

( )5.How manypeoplearetherein your family?

A.Three B They’re my parents and me.

()6. What’s your father?

A He’sadoctor..

B Y es, he is.

()7. Are they on thetable?

A.Yes,they are. B. Yes,it is.

()8.What colour is it?

A.It’sanorange. B. It’sorange. ( )9. He ____________science.

A.likes B. like

( )10.Howmany books do you have?


B.English books.


()1.What wouldyoulike? A. He isa farmer.

()2.Who isthat boy?B. Yes,sheis myteacher.

()3.Is she your English teache? C.I’d like somebread.

( )4.How many pencils doyou have? D. He is my brother.

( )5. What’s your uncle? E. I ha ve3.

九、阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择合适的单词补全短文,每空只填一词,每词只准用一次。(每空1分,共10分) (father、mother、farmer、driver、doctor、a、eggs、chicken、nurse、student)

Come and see my pictures! This is my_______(妈妈). She isa ________(护士).She is active. This my_______(爸爸). He is a _________(医生). He likes painting. My aunt is a _________(农民).She likes planting flowers.My uncle is ________________(一个司机). He’s goodat sports. AndI’m a _________(学生).I like _______(鸡肉)and________(鸡蛋).

十、阅读短文,选择答案,将编号填在题前的括号内。(每题2分,共10 分)

Hi!Myname’s Amy. Look at my family photo. This is my father.He’s ateacher.He’s tall. He likessports. This ismy mother.She’s a teacher,too. Shelikes reading.Thisis my brother. He’s a baseballplayer. He’s strong. Ilove my family.
